American Tree Experts

Top 6 Myths About Tree Care Debunked

6 myths about tree care

Here we explain some interesting facts and myths about tree care

Trees are complex living organisms. For optimal growth, they require proper care and nourishment. Thanks to the advancements in modern technology, we now know more about tree care more than before. However,l multiple baseless fallacies still exist that give way to damaging practices when it comes to tree care.

In this article, we will debunk the most common and baseless fallacies about tree care. So read on.

Tree Plantation Does Not Require Advanced Skills

Tree plantation is not as simple as it seems. Before planting a tree multiple factors have to be considered such as:

  • Choosing the right tree for the right spot
  • Using proper plantation technique
  • Caring for the tree afterward.

Before planting a tree, consult an arborist who will guide you about how to plant and care for your tree.

Don’t Prune Bleeding Trees

  • Some trees such as maples, birches, and walnuts release a red-colored sap during spring if they are pruned. Many people assume that pruning certain species of trees should not be performed during spring to avoid the release of the sap. However, research claims that light pruning can be performed at any time throughout the year. If pruning is performed using the right technique, then no harm will occur.

Mulch – The More The Merrier

  • Mulch is a layer of organic material that is applied to the soil. There are multiple purposes for applying mulch such as preventing the loss of moisture, improving fertility and health of the soil, and making the area more visually appealing. Applying 3-4 inches of mulch is good for the health of the tree and serves the above-mentioned purposes.

However, there is a common perception that the more the mulch, the better it is. Excessive mulch is harmful as it causes the growth of pathogens, and also serves as hiding spots for rodents.

Fertilizers Are Good For The Health of Roots

  • myths about tree care

    Some fertilizers such as nitrogen are good for the health of roots. They stimulate the growth of non-woody and short-woody roots. However, they don’t do much for long woody roots. The excessive user of fertilizers can be detrimental for long roots. Long roots act as anchors for the tree and fetch important minerals and water. Hence, abstain from going overboard with the use of fertilizers especially for mature trees.

Removing a Few Live Branches Before Planting is Fine

  • Many people believe that the tree’s crown should be balanced with its root system. To create this balance they don’t hesitate to remove living branches before planting the tree. Live branches are the most important part of the tree as they gather food through photosynthesis and store it in their cells. Pruning live branches can disrupt the food cycle.

When planting a tree, only remove dead branches and don’t pay too much attention to balancing the tree’s root and shoot systems.

Dressing a Tree Wound Helps in Quick Healing

  • When any part of the tree is wounded or injured, the common practice is to dress it using special chemicals, tars, paints, and sealants. It is believed that dressing the tree will help in quick recovery and prevent the infiltration of disease-causing microbes and insects. However, research proves that trees heal better when they are left open and allowed to recover at their own pace naturally.

Abstain from practicing these fallacies about tree care and health. To keep them in good shape, contact American Tree Experts, Inc. We offer multiple tree care services in Mont Clair, New Jersey. Call us at 973-744-6091.

5 Effective Tips to Care For Your Trees During Winters

tips to care for your trees during winter

Here is a compilation of top tips to care for your trees during winter

Trees are sensitive to the environmental and climatic changes that are specific to each season. During winters, trees go in a dormant mode i.e. they don’t grow and reproduce, but they still need to be protected from the harsh environmental factors. During winters, a lot of animals hibernate on trees and they may harm the tree structure. Young trees are especially affected by the intensity of the raw cold, chilly winds, and snow and sleet.

Hence, it is important to learn the basic tips to care for trees during chilly colds. Let’s take a look.


Pruning trees during winters prepares the tree for growth and reproduction during spring and summer. Pruning is recommended during the winter season because disease-causing organisms are dormant and the risk of the spread of disease is reduced. During winters, you can remove the undesirable branches and thin the canopy of the tree. This will give the tree a uniform shape and look.


  • Mulch is usually made of organic components such as grass, hay, straw, sawdust, shredded newspaper, and kitchen scrap. It is recommended to apply a thin layer of mulch that piles up to 2 inches underneath the drip line of the tree. This is done to insulate the tree roots and the soil in which the tree has anchored from extreme weather conditions and gradual loss of moisture. To prevent the development of a mice colony underneath the mulch, apply the mulch after the ground freezes so the mice won’t be able to dig deep in the ground.


  • Watering the trees during winters is not recommended as the water cannot get past the frozen ground and seep into the roots. To keep them hydrated, water the trees and young plants amply during the fall season. Remove the irrigation bags around the tree trunk before the first snowfall. Water again when winters are ending and the ground starts to thaw.

Wrap The Tree Trunks

  • tips to care for your treesWinters take a toll on the tree trunks and lead to the development of cracks. What happens is that when temperatures drop, the tree trunk freezes especially during nights. On sunny days, the trunk thaws from the heat of the sun. This alternate freezing and thawing damage the tree cells and causes cracks in the trunk. This condition is known as sunscald.

To prevent sunscald, cover the trunks with a tree wrap that is made from crepe paper. Start from the bottom and move up till you reach a little above the lowest branch. Remove the wrap during the spring season. Another way to protect the tree trunk is by painting it in white color or wrapping it with a white plastic rabbit guard.

Protection From Animals and Rodents

  • Young trees are prone to damage from rabbits and voles as they love chewing and gnawing the soft barks of growing trees. They attack outer and inner bark which exposes inner wood. If half of the trunk has been damaged due to gnawing, then the tree is likely to fall.

To prevent this from happening, do the following:

  • Build a small cage with chicken wires around the young trees. This will also keep the deers away from rubbing their heads against saplings.
  • Wrap the trunks with plastic guards at least past the snow line. Start by bottom and work your way up till you reach the snow line.

American Tree Experts Inc. provides tree pruning, cabling, bracing, and pest management services at affordable rates. Call us at 973-744-6091. We are located in Mont Clair, New Jersey.

5 Important Do’s and Don’ts of Effective Pest Management and Control

effective pest management and control

Understand the challenges of pest management and learn their prevention methods

A pest is an insect or animal that feeds on plants and crops and causes considerable damage to them. Pest infestation has dire economic consequences. Pest-infested plants become weak, diseased and their ability to bear fruit is severely effective, resulting in a low and substandard crop yield. Effective and proactive pest management and control are needed to prevent your trees from infestation. Let us take a look at some important dos and don’ts of pest management and control.

1. Do Adopt A Proactive and Preventive Approach

The best way to protect your plants from pests is by taking proactive and preventive measures. The following precautionary measures should be adopted to prevent pests from invading your garden and trees:

  • Insects hide in dark and damp places such as pipes, drainage systems, and crevices. They find plenty of food and shelter in these hidden areas. Most of the time, pest infestation starts in these areas. Inspect these sheltered areas during the start and end of all seasons and spay them with pesticides as a precautionary measure. Don’t let stagnant water accumulate in your backyard.
  • Prevent the entry of insects by sealing up any holes or cracks in the walls of your fence.
  • Clean your lawn regularly and don’t throw leftover food near your plants.
  • Mow the grass regularly, especially during the summer season. Bugs hide and multiply in tall and bushy patches of grass.

2. Don’t Leave Dangerous Pesticides in The Open

  • Unattended pesticides and traps are a health and safety risk to children and pets. Don’t leave them out in the open where unknowing children or pets can reach them. If you have recently sprayed your lawn or backyard with pesticides, then alert all members of the family so unnecessary exposure can be avoided.

3. Do Identify The Problem At Hand Before Taking Any Action

  • There are hundreds of pests in nature, all of which vary in their mode of attack, the extent of damage they cause, and treatment for removing them. For effective pest management, it is important to first identify the problem at hand and then decide on the removal solution. The control and removal solution that works for earwigs will not work for fungus gnats. Using the wrong removal solution can do more harm than good.

4. Don’t Use Outdoor Pesticides inside Your Home

  • pest management and controlA pest infestation can occur for indoor plants as well. Indoor pest infestation is an even bigger nuisance as the pests pose a threat to human health as well. For indoor pests, special pesticide solutions are formulated which are not as harsh and toxic as the more potent outdoor chemical solutions. Using outdoor removal treatments inside your home can pose a health emergency as they comprise dangerous and toxic chemicals that are harmful to human health.

5. Do Nip An Infestation in The Bud

  • Pet infestation does not occur all of a sudden, rather it starts with a couple of bugs that grow and multiply in no time. If you find a few pests wandering over your trees, take immediate action and use the appropriate pet removal method. A smaller infestation is easier to control and remove. If you feel that you cannot handle the pest infestation on your own, then call in professional help and let them nip the infestation in the bud.

In most cases, pest infestation can be challenging to deal with on your own. Most homes are not equipped to tackle a serious pest infestation. Hence, for the protection of your plants and trees, contact American Tree Experts, Inc. We provide effective pest management solutions for all types of pests and bugs. Call us at 973-744-6091. We are located in Mont Clair, New Jersey.

5 Important Do’s and Don’ts of Tree Pruning

what is tree pruning

The complete guide to tree pruning and 5 important Do’s and Dont’s of tree trimming

Tree pruning is the practice of selectively cutting or removing certain parts of the tree such as branches, roots, or buds. It is a common horticultural technique that delivers multiple benefits for the plants. However, to gain the maximum advantage, it is important to prune the tree the right way. Below are some important dos and don’ts of tree pruning that will make all the difference in the result. So read on.

1) Do Remove Dead Branches

  • The main purpose of pruning a tree is to improve its health and enhance its appearance. Over time, certain parts of the tree will dry up and become dead. These dried parts, especially the branches, are dead weight for the tree. They should be pruned and removed earliest.

Branches that may break off partly due to the blowing of heavy wind present a safety hazard. Pruning partly broken or diseased branches result in a healthier tree that does not pose any danger to nearby structures or people.

2) Do Maintain The Structural Balance of The Tree

  • Whenever you prune, try to prune equally on both sides of the tree. If you take off too many branches from one side of the tree and too little from the other side, the structural balance of the canopy will be disturbed. This will cause the tree to lean on one side. In extreme cases, the tree may fall on the heavier side, if the trunk cannot handle the weight of the imbalanced tree.

Before you start pruning the tree, take a holistic look at it to understand how to maintain the balance of the tree after it has been pruned.

3) Don’t Use Blunt Tools To Cut Branches

  • Blunt tools can cause a deep wound to the tree. Tools that are not sharpened are not equipped to make a precise cut to the tree branches. Deep wounds caused by blunt tools can cause a hindrance in the tree’s capacity to deliver food and nutrition to the branches. As a result, several areas of the tree may decay and die.

To avoid this, always use sharp and durable tools to make a precise cut and cause minimum damage to the adjoining trunk. Sharpen your shears before pruning the tree.

4) Don’t Prune The Top Of The Tree

  • tree pruning

    Most of the tree’s foliage is at its top, also called the crown of the tree. Avoid pruning branches from the top of the tree. The reason being that most of the photosynthesis takes place at the crown. Photosynthesis is the most important process through which trees get their food and nutrition. Hence, pruning the tree’s crown can reduce the tree’s ability to synthesize its food which can endanger the rest of the tree.

5) Don’t Prune Too Close To The Tree’s Collar

  • The tree’s collar is the curved part that joins the tree’s branches to its main body or the trunk. The tree’s collar is an important junction and chopping off the branch too close to it will leave a wide opened hole or wound.

By doing so, you will attract pests and disease into your tree through the hollow holes left in the main branch whenever you cut a branch, cut at a slanted angle while ensuring that the outer bark is not cut off.

The experts at American Tree Inc understand the theory and principles of tree pruning. We will provide you the best services at reasonable rates. Call us at 973-744-6091. We are located in Mont Clair, New Jersey.

5 Proven Tips for Maintaining Good Health of Your Trees

tips for good health of your trees

Here are 5 tips to ensure the health of your trees for years to come

Trees are a crucial part of our ecosystem. They provide habitat and shelter for multiple organisms. Trees are the earth’s lungs as they absorb carbon dioxide and give us an unlimited supply of oxygen. They also add beauty and grace to a landscape and a house surrounded by well-groomed and healthy trees has a higher selling price. To keep your trees healthy and disease-free, follow these important tips.

Anchor An Immature Tree Using Two-Stake System

  • Young trees usually lack the strength to stand on their own. They need extra support to grow in a straight and erect manner. Use a two-stake system for an immature tree and anchor the stakes to the ground using cables or flexible ties. This will give strength to the trunk and keep it erect.

Cables and braces can also be used for fastening loose branches that may sway during storms.

Protect Your Tree From Growing Grass

  • Remove any strands of stray grass that grow up against your trees’ trunks. The reason being that this grass grows in the same place from where the tree derives its nutrients and water. The grass competes for air, water, and nutrients and causes a strain on the tree’s resources. Young trees, in particular, wilt away if long grass is allowed to grow against their trunks.

Don’t Construct in Nearby Areas

health of your trees

  • Before you decide to construct a new driveway or a shed, take a look at the nearby trees. The roots of the trees usually cover quite a lot of area underground. Hence, there is a possibility that the heavy machinery used for compacting the soil can interfere and damage the roots of the tree. As a rule of thumb, remember that the roots usually expand twice or thrice more than the branches. Hence, for a mature tree, the roots may extend up to 60 feet from where the tree is planted.

If construction is inevitable, then carry out a reconnaissance of the area and mark a safe territory within which the heavy equipment should operate. Areas extending up to 10 feet from the dripline of the tree should be excluded from any type of machinery.

Regular Watering is a Must

  • Trees derive water from underground but mostly it is not sufficient. Hence, they need to be watered from time to time. This is especially true for young trees whose roots don’t penetrate deeply into the soil. But even mature trees need to be watered when rainfall is low and groundwater levels have sunk as well. The root zone of mature plants should be watered deeply after every few days. The root zone is usually 2 – 3 feet below the surface and it should be watered to an extent that it becomes well-saturated with moisture.

Rewater when the soil becomes partially dry. For deep watering, use the drip irrigation method. Lawn sprinklers are not effective for deep saturation of the soil.

Prune Periodically

  • Pruning is the process of cutting off branches, buds, and spent flowers selectively. It is done to improve the structure of the tree, adding strength to it and getting rid of diseased parts of the plants. The proper way to prune is to make thinning cuts and remove the branches right at their origin. Head cutting which involves cutting along the length of the branch can result in the formation of holes from where the pests can get in.

Pruning should be performed by a skilled arborist. Contact American Tree Experts to get your trees pruned properly. We are located in Mont Clair, New Jersey and we provide tree pruning, cabling, bracing, and pest management services. Call us at 973-744-6091 and get a free estimate of our services.

6 Most Common Plant Diseases and Their Treatment – Part 2

common diseases that effect trees

Here’s part 2 of our list of common plant diseases and their treatment by experts

Most plant diseases are caused due to the growth of parasitic organisms such as fungi, nematodes, and pests on the plants. In this article, we will explore three common plant diseases, their symptoms, and their treatment. 

3) Black Knot

  • Black Knot is a fungal disease caused by Apiosporina morbosa, Dibotryon morbosum or Plowrightia morbsum. This disease is common in fruiting and ornamental trees of plum and cherry. The fungus sets in during the winter season. It can be identified easily as telltale signs include the growth of hard, uneven, black galls that wrap around twigs and branches. 

This disease develops slowly and usually takes one season before growing and manifesting itself. It spreads through the production of fungal spores. To nip this disease in the bud, it is important to identify and treat it before it grows rapidly. If the fungus is not kept in check, it attacks new growth by strangling the branches and sucking the life out of the tree. Plants infected with Balck Knot result in poor fruit production and low yield. 

How To Treat Black Knot?

  • Carry out inspection during winter seasons to check for signs of the disease. Cracks, discoloration, and swelling are the first signs of infection.
  • If galls caused by the disease are detected, remove them using a pruning knife. 

4) Downy Mildew

  • Downy mildew is caused by Pseudoperonospora cubensis, which is is an oomycete or a type of algae. This disease infects cucurbits such as cucumber, melon, and pumpkin. Downy Mildew manifests as pale yellow patches on the upper side of older leaves. On the underside, patches of white to gray cotton-like fungi appear. This disease-causing algae thrives in wet weather and usually appears after rain or heavy dew. 

Downy mildew is caused during early spring or late fall when the temperature is in the range of 60 – 65 degrees Fahrenheit. It develops on plant debris and the spores are carried by insects, garden tools, wind, or rain. 

How to Treat Downy Mildew? 

  • Regular pruning will result in improved air circulation. 
  • Water plants in the morning so the plant will have ample time to dry during the day. 

6) Early Blight

  • common plant diseases and their treatmentEarly Blight is a common disease caused by the fungus Alternaria solani. This disease affects tomato and potato plants all across the USA. when the fungus attacks, the lower and older leaves are the first ones to manifest symptoms in the form of small brown spots that are decorated with concentric rings. The disease grows in an outward fashion and turns the leaves yellow. The infection spreads to the rest of the plant quite quickly and damages the crop. 

The ideal conditions for the spread of disease include:

  • High temperatures of 80 -85 degrees Fahrenheit
  • Rain and humidity
  • Rain, irrigation, seeds, and garden tools spread the disease from one plant to another. 

Early blight does not necessarily occur during the early part of the growing season rather it can occur at any point during summers. 

How To Treat?

  • For the successful treatment of early blight, adopt a proactive approach. Apply copper-based fungicides on the tomato and potato plants, two weeks before the start of summer. A rough estimation of the ideal time for the application of fungicides is before the start of a long period of wet weather. This will keep Early Blight at bay. 

If you fear that your trees and plants are suffering from plant diseases, then waste no time and contact American Tree Experts. We provide effective and proactive Disease Management for plants are trees. Call us at 973-744-6091 to get a free estimate of our services. We operate in Mont Clair, New Jersey, and nearby areas. 

6 Most Common Plant Diseases and Their Treatment (Part 1) 

what are common plant diseases

Learn about the symptoms, causes, and treatments for some of the most common plant diseases.

Like all living beings, plants are susceptible to catching diseases. 85% of plant diseases are caused by fungal organisms. However, viruses and bacteria also attack plants and can compromise the health of the plant. A visible sign of a diseased plant is the presence of pathogens like fungus or nematodes on the plants.

The disease affects the health of the plant and results in low yield and eventual death of the plant. In this article, let us explore the common plant diseases and their treatment.

Apple Scab

Apple scab is a fungal disease that is common in apples and ornamental crabapples. Also known as Venturia inaequalis, this disease attacks the leaves and fruits. Common symptoms include:

  • The development of pale yellow spots on the leaf’s upper side
  • Development of dark velvety spots on the lower side of the leaf.
  • Deformation and early dropping of infected leaves.
  • Infected fruits develop scabby spots which are indented inside the fruit and may have velvety spores in the middle.
  • Infected fruits become deformed and cracks appear in the fruits, which allows the entry of secondary organisms into the fruit.

The following conditions are most suitable for the development of Apple scab:

  • Cool and wet weather of spring and early summer.
  • The fungal spores are carried by wind or rain.
  • The disease is most prevalent during temperatures of 55 – 75 degrees Fahrenheit.


common plant diseasesAnthracnose is another fungal disease that is caused by a fungus that belongs to the Colletotrichum genus. This disease is most prevalent in the eastern part of the United States. Anthracnose is a common plant disease that affects many species. The severity of the disease is so quick that it can turn a strong plant into organic waste within a few days. Symptoms of anthracnose disease include:

  • Development of dark, water-soaked lesions on stem, fruit, or leaves.
  • Presence of pink, gel-like spores in the center of the fruit.

This disease spreads during the winter season. Optimal conditions for its spread and development are:

  • Cool wet weather. The fungus germinates in the presence of moisture.
  • Spores grow at a temperature of 75-85 degrees Fahrenheit.

The spores are spread through wind, rain, insects, and garden tools.

Bacterial Canker

As the name indicates, it is a bacterial disease caused by the bacterium Pseudomonas syringae. This bacterium enters the tree through a compromised or injured bark. Injury may have occurred due to frost damage, or during the pruning process.  Bacterial canker commonly affects cherries and plums but can also cause disease in apricots, peaches, and other types of stone fruits. The common symptoms of the development of bacterial canker are:

  • The appearance of the sunken, or gummy lesions on the trunk or twigs of the plant.
  • Oozing of sour-smelling sap from the punctured areas of an infected tree during the spring season.
  • The infected parts of the bark became darker with the appearance of a reddish-brown tinge. Those parts are moist when touched.

The bacterial canker infection is spread during the fall, winter, and spring seasons when the weather is cool and wet. Rain, water and pruning tools are the carriers of the bacterium.

If you fear that your trees and plants are suffering from plant diseases, then waste no time and contact American Tree Experts. We provide effective and proactive Disease Management for plants are trees. Call us at 973-744-6091 to get a free estimate of our services. We operate in Mont Clair, New Jersey, and nearby areas.

4 Telltale Signs Your Tree Needs Cabling and Bracing

why tree needs cabling

Here are 4 sure-shot signs your tree need cabling and bracing for support

Deeply rooted and mature trees are quite powerful and do not budge easily. However, some trees can become structurally weak due to disease or prolonged exposure to strong winds and other damaging environmental factors. Such trees need a little extra support to gain structural integrity and not be a risk to nearby properties and people.

Tree cabling and bracing is a proactive and preventive technique that involves the use of flexible steel strand cables to provide structural stability to the tree. As a result, the tree becomes less susceptible to damage from high winds, ice and snow. The tree remains upright and sturdy.

If you are wondering whether your tree needs cabling and bracing, look out for the following telltale signs. These signs are usually indicative that your tree is in need of extra support.

1. Storm Damage

  • The force of the winds in a heavy storm can cause the branches or crotch of trees to split. A dangling branch is a safety hazard. It can be fixed with the help of brace rods and cables that can hold the damaged sections of the tree together. This extra support will enable the tree to heal and prevent trunk failure. Cabling a dangling branch will also restrict its movement during high winds. Hence, a tree that has suffered from considerable storm damage is an ideal candidate for getting cabling and bracing.

2. Presence of A V-Crotch Stem

  • A v-crotch stem is a type of tree alignment in which two large stems come out of the same trunk, making a V-like shape. Due to the division of the trunk into two stems, there is little tissue to support either of the stems and both stems are structurally weak. Heavy winds can cause either or both stems to fall off.

To prevent the stems from falling off, cabling and bracing can be used to support the v-crotch stem. The tension from the cables provides additional support to the off-shoot stems and keeps them in their place when winds are blowing.

3. Severe Lean

  • tree needs cablingAs trees mature, they may develop a natural lean towards the right or left side. Trees usually tilt on the side where they gain more exposure to sunlight. Trees with a severe lean present a safety hazard. Due to the shift in their center of gravity, they become less stable and a branch or stem may snap and fall on nearby property.

Soil erosion or storms weakens the trees anchorage into the soil. This can also cause trees to lean on one side. This is a particularly dangerous situation as trees can now fall on a nearby structure with a little push. Cabling and bracing the tree in the opposite direction can bring a balance to the three and make it more stable.

4. Overextended Limbs

  • As trees mature, their vertical growth stops and they only expand horizontally. As a result, the limbs can sometimes outgrow the trunk and become too heavy to bear. Overextended limbs are wobbly and dangling and may snap during a windy season. Cabling and bracing can provide support to these overextended limbs and prevent them from breaking off.

If you spot these warning signs in your trees and plants, contact American Tree Experts for cabling and bracing services. Our experts will conduct a thorough survey of the trees and propose the right methodologies for bracing your plants. Call us at 973-744-6091 to get a free estimate of the services. We operate in Montclair, New Jersey, and nearby areas.

Types of Plant Fertilizers And Their Advantages

types of plant fertilizers and their advantages

Experts reveal the secrets about plant fertilizers and their advantages and how they affect the growth

Soil is the major source of nutrients for plants. Even though most types of soils have optimum levels of nutrients for growing plants and crops, over time their level decreases. When soil becomes deplete of nutrients, it becomes barren and cannot produce healthy plants. Hence to replenish the soil and improve its fertility, fertilizers are added to the soil.

Fertilizers are basically add-on nutrients that are supplied to the plants to enhance their productivity. Fertilizers not only replete the levels of nutrients in the soil but also improve the water retention capacity of the soil and enhance its fertility. Let us take a look at the types, advantages, and importance of fertilizers to understand them better.

Types of Fertilizers

Fertilizers are categorized into the following major types:

1) Inorganic Fertilizers

These are industrially processed fertilizers that are made from chemical means. Inorganic fertilizers can be divided into the following subtypes:

a)Nitrogen Fertilizers

    • Nitrogen is the most important component for the development of plants. Chlorophyll – the green pigment found in chloroplasts – requires nitrogen for carrying out photosynthesis in plants. Nitrogen is also a component of amino acids and helps in protein building. Nitrogen fertilizers supply the requisite levels of nitrogen to plants.

b)Phosphorus Fertilizer

    • Phosphorous is a chemical compound that is found in the protoplasm of cells. It plays a critical role in cell growth and proliferation. Optimal levels of phosphorous are needed for the growth of healthy roots of the plants. Phosphorous fertilizers compensate for the deficiency of this important component.

c)Potassium Fertilizer

    • Potassium improves the immune system of plants and enables them to resist disease. It enhances the fruit yield and strengthens the root system. Potassium protects the plants during harsh weather and prevents them from wilting. Potassium fertilizers deliver the optimum levels of potassium to plants.

2) Organic Fertilizers

plant fertilizers and their advantagesThese are natural fertilizers that are derived from organic sources i.e. plants and animals. Organic fertilizers have a different mode of operation. They add carbonic compounds to the soil. These compounds enhance the organic matter of the soil, promote a healthy soil ecosystem and improve the physical and chemical properties of soil. Organic fertilizers release nutrients slowly and are healthier than inorganic fertilizers.

Following are the most common sources of organic fertilizers:

    • Agricultural Waste
    • Municipal sludge
    • Industrial waste

Why Are Fertilizers Important for Plants?

Fertilizers are important for plants due to the following reasons:

  • There has been an increased demand for the production of fruits and vegetables. To meet the demands of a growing population, it is important to replenish the soil with important nutrients so a healthy and hefty yield can be obtained.
  • Fertilizers strengthen the immune system of plants and help them fight different diseases and pests. This reduces their need for insecticides and herbicides. This improves the overall quality of plant yield.
  • Fertilizers result in healthier and stronger plants that are aesthetically appealing.
  • They increase the depth of the roots, which leads to a stronger hold and greater access to the soil’s natural resources. Fertilizers also increase the water retention capacity of plants.
  • Fertilizers result in stronger straws and stalks of the plants.
  • Due to fertilizers, seed development is improved which results in better fruit production.

We have now understood the types and advantages of fertilizers. If you want to have healthier and disease-free plants in your garden, contact American Tree Expert. We provide customized organic and liquid injection fertilizers to meet the nutritional demands of your plans. Call us for a free estimate at 973 744-6091. We operate in Montclair, New Jersey, and nearby areas.

5 Incredible Tips to Pruning Trees Like A Pro

tips to pruning trees easily

Here are 5 amazing tips for pruning trees that directly impact tree growth and health

Tree pruning is the practice of trimming and shaping a tree and removing extra and diseased branches, shrubs, leaves, and roots of a plant. It not only enhances the appeal of the tree but also makes it healthier, stronger, and safer. Pruning trees regularly will keep the pests and diseases at bay. However, it is important to prune the tree correctly using the right methodology and techniques. Otherwise, you may end up doing more damage than good.

In this guide, we will shed light on tips to pruning trees which include some basic yet important aspects of tree pruning.

Observe The Tree and Decide What to Prune

  • Pruning a tree can be a bit like cutting hair. Before beginning the job, you have to analyze and decide which parts you want to remove, what shape you want to give the tree, and whether you want to do a light trimming or a heavy cutting of the tree. Setting your goals for the pruning session will give you a guideline to follow.

By doing so, the end result will not be drastically different than what you had anticipated initially.

Season Matters

  • All four seasons impact the growth of a tree differently. If you prune your tree during winters, it will have massive growth during the spring and summer seasons. Due to an abundance of sunlight and humidity, plants experience the highest growth during these seasons.

However, if you want to slow down the growth of a few unwanted branches or make the tree more shapely, it is recommended to prune a tree during summers. Trees have a slower growth during the Autumn and Winter seasons.

Remove The Damaged Branches First

  • tips to pruning trees

    The goal of pruning a tree is to make it healthier. Parts of trees that have been damaged due to storms or disease should be removed first. By pruning these parts, the nutrients will be redistributed evenly to the healthy parts of the tree.

Before pruning a tree, identify the major branches of a tree that form its skeleton. Do not remove these branches as they provide support and nutrition to multiple other parts of the tree.

Prune The Clustered Areas

  • Those areas of the trees that are clustered with lots of thin and unwanted branches require special attention. Remove unnecessary and extra branches so that light and air will circulate the major branches in an improved manner. Light and air are important for the growth of a tree. Clustered branches attract insects and become breeding grounds for fungus and moss.

Also, remove the branches that grow inward towards the center of the tree. These branches lead to unhealthy clutter.

Light Pruning is The Preferred Way to Go

  • Always prune with light hands. Avoid heavy pruning unless the tree is heavily infested or diseased. With every cut, the tree’s immune system is compromised a little and it becomes prone to pest infestation and fungus. The rule of thumb is that you should not prune more than 25% percent of a tree’s branches in one season.

75 percent of a deciduous tree should always be covered with living branches. This is important for the supply of nutrients and for supporting the tree’s ecosystem.

Following these tips will ensure healthy and beautifully sculpted trees. If you are new to gardening, call in the pros and let them prune your trees. American Tree Experts provides tree pruning and removal services in Montclair, New Jersey, and surrounding areas. Call them at 973-834-7797 to get a free estimate of the services.