American Tree Experts

A Guide To Identifying And Treating Dutch Elm Disease (Part 2)

A Guide To Identifying And Treating Dutch Elm Disease (Part 2) - wikipedia

Effective Strategies for Treating Dutch Elm Disease: A Comprehensive Approach (Part 2)

Dutch Elm Disease can pose a significant threat to Newark’s cherished elm trees. This devastating fungal disease can quickly spread and kill mature trees, alter the landscape, and reduce urban greenery. It’s essential to recognize the signs of the disease and implement effective treatments. This guide will help you identify symptoms and explore treatment options to preserve your trees.

Treating Dutch Elm Disease

  • Dutch Elm Disease should be treated immediately to save affected trees. While there is currently no cure for Dutch Elm Disease, effective treatments can interrupt its cycle and preserve the trees. The most effective treatments include:

Removing Affected Branches

  • If you have elm trees on your property in Newark, it’s crucial to monitor them for weakened, dead, or dying branches throughout the growing season. Removing these branches promptly eliminates breeding sites for elm bark beetles.

If you find affected branches while the tree is dormant, they must be removed before spring. Branches found during the growing season should be removed within 2 to 3 weeks to prevent beetles from emerging. Ensure that removed branches are destroyed by chipping, burning, or burying them to prevent further spread of the disease.

Applying Insecticide

  • Insecticide applications can effectively kill elm bark beetles before they spread the disease. The timing and location of these applications depend on the type of elm bark beetle prevalent in your area.

Native Elm Bark Beetle

  • Apply insecticides to the lower stems of elm trees in late summer to kill the beetles as they prepare to overwinter.

European Elm Bark Beetle

  • Apply insecticides to the crown of the trees in the spring.

For best results, it is advisable to have a professional arborist in Montclair, NJ, apply insecticides to ensure proper treatment and protection of your elm trees.

Disrupting Root Grafts

  • To prevent the spread of Dutch Elm Disease, disrupting root grafts between elm trees is essential. If an affected elm tree is close to a healthy one, sever the root grafts immediately. 

This should be done before removing the infected tree because the healthy tree can quickly absorb the disease from the infected roots. Additionally, sever root grafts between two healthy elm trees as a preventative measure to protect them from potential infection.

Injecting Fungicide

  • When applied correctly, fungicide injections can protect elm trees from Dutch Elm Disease, though they are expensive and can pose some health risks to the tree. The treatment is most effective when administered through microinjection into the roots, allowing the fungicide to be distributed to the crown.

This process should be done every 1 to 3 seasons after the earliest leaves have fully grown. Potential negative effects include leaf scorch or loss, as well as discoloration and decay from drilling injection holes. Flushing the injection holes with water after applying the fungicide can help mitigate these issues. For best results and safety, have a professional arborist in Newark perform the fungicide injections.


  • Protecting your elm trees from Dutch Elm Disease requires vigilant monitoring and proactive treatment. By promptly identifying the signs and hiring professionals to take appropriate measures, you can save your trees.

We can treat and prevent your trees from becoming infected and help already infected trees. At American Tree Experts, Inc., we offer the best services to keep your plants out of harm’s way. Our pest management services protect your trees from pests throughout the year. Our most sought-after services are pruning, bracing, pest, and nutritional management. We offer services in Montclair, New Jersey. Call us at (973) 744-6091 for a free quote.

A Guide To Detecting And Preventing Tree-Boring Insects

how to detect tree-boring insects

10 proven strategies to detect and prevent tree-boring insects from damaging your trees

Wood-boring insects, commonly referred to as tree borers, pose a significant threat to ornamental trees and shrubs across the United States and beyond. These pests, typically found in the larval stage of various insect species such as beetles, wasps, and moths, can cause considerable damage. We have outlined tips to identify tree-boring insects and prevention tips to help you take proactive measures to protect your landscape.

Detecting Tree Borers

  • Tree borers typically target stressed trees rather than healthy ones. They particularly attack newly transplanted, injured, or weakened trees. After hatching, young larvae quickly burrow under the bark to feed and grow. Watch out for signs such as tunnel holes, sawdust like frass, dead branches, bark cracks, or sap seepage.

Once inside the tree, detecting borer larvae becomes challenging until substantial damage occurs. This damage often results in structural weakness, branch dieback, girdling, and overall decline in tree health, potentially leading to the tree’s demise. Infested areas also become vulnerable to pathogen entry. At this stage, larvae are typically resistant to insecticide sprays.

Types of Tree Borers

Common wood borer types include:

Longhorn Beetle Larvae

  • They create oval-shaped tunnels filled with a mixture of droppings and sawdust. Infested wattles may appear distressed, with excessive sap dripping, resembling bleeding wounds.

Jewel Beetle Larvae

  • Jewel beetle larvae create tunnels into bark, cambium, and sapwood packed with droppings and sawdust.

Wood Moth Larvae

Tunneling caused by wood moth larvae may go unnoticed until exit holes become apparent. Tunnel entrances are typically covered with bark and webbing, often found in the forks of trees.

Eliminating Tree-Borer Insects

  • Once you have confirmed a tree borer infestation, you have two treatment options available:

Chemical Treatment

  • Utilize contact insecticides or soil treatments to eradicate existing infestations and prevent future attacks. However, it’s essential to follow local regulations about pesticide usage to ensure legal compliance before applying any chemical treatments to your trees.

Mechanical Approach

  • Alternatively, you can manually remove larvae using specialized tools or eliminate infested wood sections. In cases of severe infestation, the removal of the entire tree may be necessary to mitigate risks associated with falling branches or widespread infestation.

Preventing Tree Borer Infestations

  • Implement these proactive measures to reduce the risk of wood borer infestations:

Select Resistant Tree Species

  • Opt for tree species less susceptible to wood borers when planning your landscaping. Consult with a certified arborist or tree care specialist to identify suitable tree species for your region that are less prone to infestation.

Maintain Tree Health

  • Properly care for your trees by ensuring they receive adequate water and nutrients. Well-maintained trees are less likely to become stressed or weakened, reducing their vulnerability to wood borers. Pay special attention to newly transplanted trees to support their growth.

Prevent and Treat Tree Injuries

  • Addressing tree injuries promptly can reduce the risk of borer infestation. If you spot a wounded tree, take immediate steps to care for it and minimize the likelihood of infestation.

Prune Infested Branches with Care

  • tree-boring insectsWhen dealing with borer infestations, pruning off affected branches is a practical approach. Inspect your cut for any signs of borer holes or tunnels. If you detect a hole, you’ll need to make another cut further along the branch towards the trunk.

In some instances, borers may have penetrated the trunk, necessitating more drastic measures such as severe pruning or complete tree removal. For large trees showing signs of illness and borer activity, seek expert advice and assistance from a certified arborist.

For expert tree care services, turn to American Tree Experts Inc. We provide comprehensive pest management solutions for all types of pests and bugs. Call us at (973) 744-6091. We are located in MontClair, New Jersey.

Understanding The Tree Damage Caused By Spider Mites

tree damage caused by spider mites

Read this before it’s too late – Essential tips for understanding and preventing tree damage caused by spider mites

Spider mites pose a significant threat to your trees and plants, often going unnoticed until signs of infestation appear. Despite their small size, these pests can cause considerable damage to trees. Continue reading to understand the damage caused by spider mites and effective techniques for eliminating them from your plants.

Tree Damage Caused by Spider Mites

  • Spider mites damage trees and plants through feeding and webbing.

Feeding Damage

  • Spider mites extract nutrients and chlorophyll directly from the leaves of plants. Since they are small, they typically do so in a cell-by-cell manner. Initially, the signs of their feeding appear as tiny brown or dry spots beneath the leaves.

While they are hard to notice at first, their reproduction can quickly increase, leading to a proliferation that can affect an entire leaf within a day. The affected leaves undergo color changes, turning dark yellow or brown, with edges curling up and drying out eventually.

Webbing Damage

  • The majority of spider mite species are notorious for constructing spider-like webs to hide and protect their eggs. This webbing is initiated by females immediately after laying eggs. The webbing acts as a barrier, preventing water and light from reaching the tree and impairing the essential photosynthesis processes crucial for the plant’s survival. The extent of damage caused by spider mites varies depending on the plant species. While some plants may only become aesthetically unpleasant, others die completely.

Fragile species such as roses and African violets are particularly vulnerable to spider mite infestations. In addition, spider mites may induce sunburn damage or stunting in tomatoes or peppers. As a result, the overall health of the plant deteriorates due to disrupted photosynthesis. Furthermore, crops such as beans, peas, or any pod-bearing plants are at risk of losing their entire harvest, as spider mites feed directly on the pods.

Preventing Spider Mite Damage

  • The primary defense strategy involves quarantine measures. Always ensure that any new plants introduced into your landscape are thoroughly inspected. This precaution is particularly crucial for preventing spider mite infestations, as even a small number of unnoticed pests can multiply rapidly. In just five days, two or three mites can proliferate into five hundred, and within ten days, this number can reach twenty-five thousand.

For existing plants in your home, consider the following preventative measures:

Control The Environment

  • Spider mites thrive in hot and dry conditions. Maintain adequate hydration levels for your plants, protect leaves from direct sunlight, and periodically spray them with water to discourage pest infestation.

Dust Regularly

  • Dusting your plants frequently acts as a preventative measure and a means of early detection of potential pests. Pay close attention to the hidden surfaces beneath each leaf, and remove any accumulated dust at least once a week.

Rinse And Wipe Suspicious Leaves

  • Periodically, rinse and wipe the leaves of your plants with a moist cloth, particularly focusing on rose bushes. This should be done every few weeks, especially during the summer months.

Pest Control Strategies

  • tree damage caused by spiderRelocate an infested plant to a separate area, ideally far from other plants.
  • Exercise caution and carefully review product labels to ensure safety, efficacy, and compatibility with spider mites.
  • Keep in mind that spider mites are arachnids, not insects, so typical insecticides may prove ineffective against them.
  • Neem oil is a versatile horticultural remedy effective against various pests, including spider mites.
  • Using biological controls offers a family-friendly approach to prevent and eradicate spider mites without posing any risk to household pets.

If your tree has been infested with a pest, contact American Tree Experts Inc. today. Our pest control services can help rid your trees of harmful pests before their eggs hatch. Call us at (973) 774-6091 today and let us help you with our wide range of services.

A Guide To Identifying Emerald Ash Borer Tree Infestation

identifying emerald ash borer tree infestation

A step-by-step guide to detecting emerald ash borer tree infestation

The Emerald Ash Borer (EAB), scientifically known as Agrilus planipennis, has caused widespread devastation, leading to the loss of countless ash trees across 30 states in the United States. This invasive pest from Asia likely went to the U.S. through concealed wood packaging materials. Emerald Ash Borer was first identified in the United States in southeastern Michigan in 2002. While several treatment options exist to manage EAB infestations, it’s crucial to identify the signs of infestation first.

Emerald Ash Borer

  • The Emerald Ash Borer is an invasive beetle known for its destructive effects on ash trees by consuming the tissues under the bark. While spotting the EAB beetles is not easy, the damage they cause to ash trees is more commonly observed. Adult EAB beetles are small, less than half an inch, with a shiny green appearance. They spend their short lives inside ash trees, looking for mates.

However, the real damage is caused by the larvae of the adult ash borer known as baby beetles. They tunnel beneath the bark of ash trees, feeding on the living tissue. As larvae infestation grows, it ultimately leads to the death of the ash tree, typically within 2 to 4 years after infestation.

Signs of Emerald Ash Borer Infestation

If you notice one or more of the following signs, your tree is infested by Emerald Ash Borer (EAB):

Bark Flecking

  • Look for light patches or bark flecking in the tree’s upper branches. This may be due to woodpeckers feeding on EAB and other insect larvae in the tree.

Severe Die-Back

  • Observe the upper branches of the tree. While it’s normal for trees to have some dead wood, an unusually high number of dead branches at the top of the tree is indicative of an EAB infestation.

Bark Cracks

  • Check for bark cracks on the tree. EAB larvae tunnel beneath the bark, and their activity can cause it to split open, often revealing distinctive S-shaped larval tunnels underneath.

If you notice any of these signs in your ash tree, it’s advisable to consult a professional arborist or tree expert for a proper assessment and potential treatment options to mitigate the EAB infestation. Early detection and intervention can help protect your tree and prevent further damage.

Sources of EAB

Emerald Ash Borers (EAB) can find their way into new areas and infest ash trees through various sources, including:

  • Firewood
  • Ashwood products
  • Infested ash plantings and trees
  • Ashwood packing material
  • Ashwood debris and trimmings

Due to their potential to carry and spread EAB, it’s essential to exercise caution and follow guidelines to prevent the unintentional spread of these destructive pests to un-infested areas.

Preventive Measures

  • emerald ash borer tree infestationAvoid transporting firewood, as EAB larvae can remain hidden within firewood bark. Always purchase and use locally sourced firewood.
  • Conduct regular tree inspections. If you observe any symptoms of an EAB infestation, promptly contact professional arborists for guidance.
  • When purchasing firewood, inquire about its origin and the supplier’s details, as larvae may be concealed beneath the bark.
  • Stay informed about any quarantines applicable to your locality and learn about State and Federal regulations.

We can treat and prevent your ash trees from becoming infected and help already infected trees. At American Tree Experts, Inc., we offer the best services to keep your plants out of harm’s way. Our pest management services protect your trees from pests throughout the year. Our most sought-after services are pruning, bracing, pest management, and nutritional management. We offer services in Montclair, New Jersey. Call us at 973-744-6091 for a free quote.

5 Tricks For Eco-Friendly Pest Management

tricks for eco-friendly pest management

Explore the benefits of eco-friendly pest management for your health and wallet

Dealing with pests can be challenging; however, pesticides or methods that harm the environment are not the only options. Several eco-friendly methods have been developed that, if not more, are equally effective in keeping pests away without causing detrimental effects on the environment. This article unveils five effective and eco-friendly tricks to help you manage pests safely and sustainably.

Harness The Power Of Essential Oils

  • Essential oils are an excellent solution to combat pesky pests. Essential oils like peppermint, lavender, and eucalyptus are potent insect repellents. Blend these natural fragrances with water in a spray bottle to create a solution that serves as an environmentally friendly substitute for chemical pesticides.

The magic lies in the strong aroma of essential oils, which effectively mask the surroundings, rendering them unbearable to insects. This technique will allow you to eliminate pests while ensuring the well-being of the environment.

Diatomaceous Earth

  • Diatomaceous earth is an exceptional natural product consisting of fossilized algae silica shells. Despite their microscopic size, these shells have sharp projections that pierce through the protective outer layer of insects, leading to the leakage of vital bodily fluids. As a result, pests die from dehydration. The best thing about diatomaceous earth is that it does not rely on toxic poison to cause harm to pests. Rather, its efficacy lies in the physical abrasiveness of its dust.

In addition, it is effective against a range of soft-bodied pests, including aphids, thrips, whiteflies, caterpillars, root maggots, slugs, and snails. However, it’s important to note that diatomaceous earth is non-selective and may potentially harm beneficial insects. Apply diatomaceous earth to the soil to target ground-dwelling pests.

Neem Oil

  • Neem oil is a versatile insecticide with its broad-spectrum effects. It acts as a poison, repellent, and deterrent to feeding. It also sterilizes certain insect species and disrupts the growth cycle of others. Neem oil can be applied as a foliar spray or soil drench. It is effective for many pests, including aphids, thrips, loopers, whiteflies, and mealybugs.

One distinctive feature of neem oil is its systemic properties. When Neem extracts are applied, plants absorb them through foliage and roots. This allows the oil to be present in the plant tissue. This systemic nature of Neem makes it effective against leaf miners, which do not respond to non-systemic foliar sprays. Moreover, it is considered nearly non-toxic to mammals and is only harmful when ingested.

Insecticidal Soaps

  • Insecticidal soaps are another eco-friendly solution against pests. This technique uses the salts and fatty acids within the soap to combat various soft-bodied pests effectively. It is effective against aphids, whiteflies, mealybugs, earwigs, thrips, and early-stage scale insects. When applied, the soaps penetrate the delicate outer shells of the pests, causing damage to their cell membranes.

As a result, the pests begin to deteriorate, leading to dehydration and eventual starvation. However, insecticidal pests can be phytotoxic to certain plants. Therefore, testing a small area before applying the soap on a larger scale is advisable.

Sticky Traps

  • eco-friendly pest managementRegarding sustainable pest control, sticky traps are another excellent solution. These traps are designed with a special adhesive that efficiently captures pests. In addition, it’s incredibly simple to use them. Position the traps where pests are found, and watch them get trapped upon contact with the adhesive.

Don’t let pests take over your landscape. Contact American Tree Experts Inc at 973-774-6091 for all your tree and plant pest management needs. Our team of experts can help you identify and address pest infestations, including the option of pruning affected branches. Trust us for effective pest control solutions. Call now and regain control of your trees and plants!

5 Dangerous Pests That Cause Harm To Plants

dangerous pests that cause harm to plants

Read on to learn about dangerous pests that cause harm to plants

Plant diseases and pests are common occurrences in the landscape industry. While only an experienced arborist has the expertise and equipment to control plant diseases, homeowners can upgrade their knowledge to spot pest infestation. This article highlights dangerous pests that can sabotage the health and growth of your plants.

Cut Worms

  • Cutworms are typically gray or black larvae, segmented, and about 1 inch long. They are most active at night and can be found in early vegetable and flower seedlings. Cutworms pose a significant threat to plants as they chew through stems at ground level, and they can completely consume small plants during May and June. Therefore, It is essential to work with professional pest management experts to develop effective strategies to control the problem.


  • Aphids are small, soft-bodied insects that feed on the sap of plants by piercing the leaves, stems, and flowers with their mouths. They reproduce quickly; a single aphid can produce hundreds of offspring in days. This rapid reproduction can quickly lead to an infestation that can damage or kill plants.

Aphids are a common problem for the landscape, particularly in the warmer months. They can cause stunted growth and yellowing of leaves. In addition, aphids can secrete honeydew which attracts other pests and lead to the growth of sooty mold. To prevent and control aphid infestations, implement proper pest management techniques and constantly monitor plants for signs of aphids.


  • Thrips are small insects that feed on the sap of plants, causing damage to the leaves, buds, and flowers. They are common pests in many landscapes and gardens and can cause significant damage if left unchecked. The damage caused by thrips can vary depending on the severity of the infestation and the type of plant they are feeding on. In some cases, thrips can cause discoloration of leaves, while in others, they can cause the death of flower buds or even entire plants.

If significant damage has been caused, consider more sustainable landscape renovations. This may involve replacing plants particularly susceptible to thrips with more resistant varieties or using alternative landscaping techniques less conducive to thrip infestations. However, if the damage is not substantial, integrated pest management (IPM) programs can effectively control thrips.

Cabbage Worms

  • Cabbage worms feed on cabbage and other brassica family members, such as broccoli and cauliflower. The presence of small holes in cabbage leaves is a telltale sign of cabbageworm feeding. Monitoring plants regularly and removing adult worms is important to control the problem.

Adult cabbage worms are small, white, or yellowish moths that can often be seen flying around cabbage plants in the early morning or late afternoon. In addition to removing adults, it is also essential to look for eggs on the undersides of cabbage leaves. Cabbage worm eggs are small, white, and oval-shaped, usually in clusters of 20-30 eggs.

Spider Mites

  • pests that cause harm to plantsSpider mites are tiny arachnids that cause harm to plants by feeding on their tissues. They are closely related to spiders and ticks and can cluster on the undersides of leaves, causing discoloration and weakening of the plant.

Different types of spider mites can attack various plants both indoors and outdoors. Therefore, early detection and prompt action are key to controlling spider mite infestations and preventing significant plant damage.

If you suspect your plants are infested with pests or need help maintaining a healthy landscape, don’t hesitate to contact American Tree Experts. We provide professional pest management services in Mont Clair, New Jersey, and nearby areas. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn more about our services.

Integrated Pest Management For Trees: An overview

integrated pest management for trees

How to manage tree pests safely and effectively: An overview of integrated pest management for trees

Pests pose a significant threat to the landscape, and integrated pest management (IPM) offers a comprehensive strategy for managing and reducing these risks. IPM offers a holistic and highly effective solution to pest management. This article provides an overview of IPM and its benefits for your plants.

What Is Integrated Pest Management (IPM)?

  • Integrated pest management (IPM) is an approach that combines both preventive and corrective measures to minimize the impact of pests while posing the least possible risk to humans and their surroundings. This dynamic strategy is designed to adapt to changing conditions.

In addition, IPM evolves as new information becomes available from management practice results. The success of IPM programs is evidenced by their ability to significantly reduce the risks associated with pesticides while also improving the quality, health, and overall welfare of the environment.

How Does IPM Work?

  • Integrated pest management (IPM) is a process that aims to manage pests while minimizing the use of chemicals and their impact on the environment. The following are the general steps involved in an IPM program:

Problem Assessment

  • The first step in IPM is determining whether a pest problem requires action. This involves identifying the pest and assessing the extent of the infestation.

Pest Monitoring and Identification

  • Regular pest population monitoring is crucial to determine if the pest poses a significant risk to plants. In addition, accurate identification of the pest will help choose the most effective management methods.

Preventive Measures

  • Prevention is the best way to minimize the use of pesticides in IPM. In addition, agronomic techniques such as planting pest-resistant varieties and pre-treated seeds can help reduce infestation risk.

Application Of Integrated Management Methods

  • If preventive measures fail, then more aggressive methods may be necessary. These include mechanical and biological controls and the careful use of pesticides. Integrated management options begin with the least risky and progress to more aggressive options as necessary.

Using an IPM approach reduces the reliance on pesticides, and pests can be managed in an environmentally-friendly way while protecting the plants.

Benefits Of Integrated Pest Management

  • Integrated pest management (IPM) offers several benefits compared to traditional pest management approaches. Some of the critical benefits of IPM include the following:

Reduction Of Exposure To Chemicals

  • IPM helps to minimize exposure to harmful pesticides, protecting the health of workers and consumers.

Use Of Natural Management Methods

  • IPM incorporates a range of natural pest management methods less environmentally harmful than chemical pesticides.

Decrease in Pollution

  • By reducing the use of chemical pesticides, IPM helps minimize water and air pollution, protecting the environment’s and local communities health.

Boosting Soil Fertility

  • IPM can help prevent soil contamination, improving soil fertility and health.

Prevents Resistance To Chemicals

  • pest management for treesOveruse of chemical pesticides can lead to pest populations developing resistance. IPM helps prevent this by using various management methods that target pests differently.

On a broader scale, IPM promotes sustainable agriculture and the protection of nature in the long term by reducing the negative impact of traditional pest management practices on the environment and human health.

  • By adopting IPM practices, farmers can reduce their reliance on chemical pesticides, promote sustainable agriculture, and protect the health of their workers and local communities. Ultimately, the benefits of IPM extend beyond the plants and contribute to the protection of nature and the long-term health of our planet.

Sometimes a pest infestation can be controlled and eliminated by pruning the affected branches of the tree. However, if you are unsure whether your tree has been infested with a pest, contact American Tree Experts Inc today. Call us at 973-774-6091 today, and let us help you with all your tree and plant pest management needs.

5 Must-Know Reasons For Removing Trees

5 reasons for removing trees

 5 common reasons for removing trees: when and why it’s necessary for your property

Although we cherish our trees, there are times when a tree cannot be rescued, and tree removal becomes inevitable. However, not all trees must be removed entirely, and sometimes they can be saved. Here are five reasons why you should consider tree removal.

The Tree is Dead or Dying

  • Preventing trees from dying is possible through various methods, such as scheduling routine maintenance with an arborist. However, there are instances when more than such measures may be required. Removal is the only option when a tree has reached the point of dying. A deceased tree is fragile and susceptible to collapse, which poses a significant safety risk. When a tree becomes too weak, it cannot withstand natural elements such as wind, rain, snow, and extra weight.

In addition, it also loses its grip on branches, causing them to break and fall. This weakening can ultimately result in the tree falling, which can cause property damage or even harm passers-by. Moreover, a dead or dying tree can serve as an attractive shelter for pests, which could lead to infestation on the property. The longer a dying tree remains unremoved, the more it decays, resulting in a heightened safety hazard.

The Tree Is Affected By a Disease

  • Even if the diseased tree is still alive, it could affect other trees and plants. Therefore, removing it from your property before the condition worsens is necessary. While specific diseases can be easily treated, others are more challenging to remedy. The disease is a leading cause of tree death, so address it before it exacerbates.

By removing the tree once you’ve confirmed the presence of the disease, you’re preventing further weakening and damage. Moreover, the early removal of a diseased tree helps prevent the spread of the disease to nearby trees and plants.

The Tree is Damaged

  • Despite taking precautions to avoid harming your trees, uncontrollable factors like heavy wind, rain, storms, nearby construction, animals, and human activities can cause damage to them. Removing the tree entirely may be safer if a tree or its branches have undergone significant damage due to these factors.

Furthermore, removal may be necessary if the tree’s trunk is injured. Keeping a damaged tree up can result in the same legal and safety concerns associated with diseased or dying trees.

The Tree is Planted in a Bad Location

  • Planting a tree too close to a building, power lines, or other structures can cause issues as the tree grows. For example, the roots may disrupt the foundation of a building, or the branches may interfere with power lines or grow too close to water lines, sewers, or sidewalks. If a tree causes such problems in the future, remove or transplant the tree before it creates any issues.

The Tree is Not Planted Properly

  • reasons for removing treesImproper planting can lead to issues with tree health in the future. For example, problems such as inadequate sunlight or excessive sun exposure, unsuitable soil type, or shallow roots can cause the tree to become unhealthy over time.

Additionally, if multiple trees are planted too close together, it can lead to issues such as crowding, sunblock, or nutrient deprivation. To avoid such problems, it is recommended to seek the assistance of a professional tree service from the beginning to ensure proper planting techniques are followed.

If you’re unsure about whether your tree should be removed, it’s recommended to consult a professional. Get in touch with American Tree Experts Inc. to get the most professional and affordable tree removal services. We are one of the best tree pruning and removal services in Montclair, New Jersey. Contact us today at 973-774-6091 and book your consultation with our qualified arborists and specialists.

5 Common Summer Tree Pests That Can Harm Your Trees

common summer tree pests

Here is a list of the most common summer tree pests and how to protect your garden trees from them

Trees and plants are usually covered with insects of all shapes and sizes. As a result, it can be challenging to know if a particular insect is harmless or a pest. Read more about the five common summer tree pests that can harm your trees.

Fall Webworm

  • This pest is native to North America and is also found in some parts of Mexico and Canada. It is called a webworm because it creates webbed nests on the branches of hardwood trees spanning from summer until early fall during its larval stage. It is a famous tree pest that can wreak havoc on your trees if left unchecked. It is recommended to hire a tree pruning service provider to prune the affected branches to prevent the spread of the disease caused by Fall Webworm.

Fall webworms create extensive web-like nests on trees and can defoliate them, causing permanent damage. These pests are usually found in gardens, parks, and urban settings. If you notice a fall webworm nest in its early stages, you can get rid of this pest yourself.

  • You can poke a hole in its nest using a stick or twig. This will allow its natural predators to take care of it. Suppose your trees get affected by Fall webworms every year. You can grow flowers or plants around the tree to keep the pests away from it.

Forest Tent Caterpillar

  • This moth is originally from North America. They are mostly found in eastern parts of these countries. They lay eggs together on a silky sheet when they molt. They are easily distinguishable from other caterpillars and moths.

Forest Tent Caterpillar prefers oak, aspen, sugar maple, tupelo, and sweet gum trees to lay their eggs. They lay their eggs in a sticky substance called spumaline, which prevents the eggs from freezing or being damaged. Sometimes, the entire tree will be covered by their silky sheets and be completely devoid of leaves. If care is not taken, the tree might not recover from this pest and eventually die.

Nantucket Pine Tip Moth

  • This pest is also known as Rhyacionia frustrana. It is found all over the USA and in countries such as Mexico, Cuba, Honduras, Guatemala, and the Dominican Republic. It is one of the most invasive pest species and can wreak havoc on pine trees. Its larvae feed on Pinus cubensis, Pinus contorta, Pinus ponderosa, Pinus virginiana, etc.

When the larvae are young, they will feed on the seedling of the young plant and later make their way into the shoot tips and buds. These pests are responsible for tree mortality and deformation. There are very few options when it comes to their extermination. Although not recommended but the use of chemical insecticides can help you get rid of them from your trees.

Balsam Wooly Adelgid

  • Balsam Wooly Adelgid is a wingless insect known to infect and kill fir trees. They originated from Europe during the 1900s and have been infesting Fraser fir and Balsam fir trees ever since. However, since they are not native to the USA, the fir trees have not evolved to develop their defense mechanism against this pest.

This pest will lay close to a hundred eggs each season and continue for about three seasons. The result is an out-of-control population of pests that will damage and destroy your trees.

  • They attack the tree’s bark, especially in the fissures. They release certain chemicals from their saliva, which results in water stress in the trees and their eventual demise. They usually appear as small white dots across the tree’s branches and trunk. Unfortunately, the only way to get rid of this pest is by a chemical insecticide.


  • 5 common summer tree pestsAphids are sap-sucking tiny insects, more commonly known as blackflies and greenflies. They are among the most invasive pests and affect cultivated plants in temperate climate regions. In addition to feeding on the plant’s sap, they also act as transmitters of plant diseases, especially viruses. These five warning signs will help you determine if your tree is diseased or not.

Aphids reproduce asexually; therefore, it is difficult to control their population. They have very few natural predators, although they can be repelled using garlic, chives, catnip, and an alcohol solution spray.

  • Sometimes a pest infestation can be controlled and eliminated by pruning the affected branches of the tree. If you are unsure whether your tree has been infested with a pest, then get in touch with American Tree Experts Inc today. Call us at 973-774-6091 today and let us help you with our wide range of services.

Top 5 Signs of A Diseased Tree

top signs of a diseased tree

Here is a list of top signs of a diseased tree and how to solve the problem

Trees are susceptible to diseases just like any other living organism. However, the signs of diseases in trees are hard to detect when you are not familiar with the basics of tree health. To the regular person, it may look like your tree is going through some changes, but this can be very dangerous.

Although there are ways to tackle tree diseases at home, a professional opinion is always recommended. You need to know the signs of tree disease so you can get your tree help in time and save it from any permanent damage.

What Are Tree Diseases?

  • Tree diseases are conditions that affect the tree, its longevity, and reproductive abilities. These can be caused by a lack of nutrients as well as by pests and bacteria. They are commonly prevalent in springtime and winters are the period when most pests lay their eggs. Knowing the timing to check your tree for diseases is also a very important aspect of tree care.

What Are Some Of The Most Common Tree Diseases

Some of the most common tree diseases are:

  • Anthracnose
  • Leaf Spots
  • Rust
  • Powdery Mildew
  • Tar Spots
  • Leaf Blisters
  • Canker Diseases
  • Apple Scabs

Signs Of A Diseased Tree

  • Although a professional is better at diagnosing tree diseases, you can learn to be on the lookout for certain signs as well. Some of the most common signs of a diseased tree are:

The Tree Bark Is Changing

  • The bark of a tree tells many things about its health. If you notice fungus growing on the tree, or small lumps on the bark then the tree is catching a disease. Similarly, you should be on the lookout for white or black spots on the bark. For subtle signs such as peeling or chipping bark, you can ask a professional for a second opinion.

The Foilage Is Reducing

  • Healthy trees are almost always green and full of leaves. The foliage of your tree gradually reduces towards autumn and sometimes sheds completely in winter. However, a significant reduction in foliage during spring or summer is a clear indicator of a diseased tree.

The Trunk Is Cracking

  • A healthy tree’s trunk is strong and does not easily crack. Cracking of the trunk could indicate a nutrient deficiency or the onset of a disease. Harmless cracks are often only on the surface and do not run deep. If the cracks on your tree’s trunk run deeper than the bark, then your tree may be compromised.

Leaves Are Starting to Discolor

  • signs of a diseased treeA tree’s leaves tend to change color only in autumn as they prepare to fall. If your tree’s leaves are changing color in any other season then it could indicate an underlying issue. If you have an evergreen tree, leaves turning brown, red, or yellow could be signs that the tree is dying and needs immediate help.

You Can See Pests

  • Sometimes you can see a fine powder on the bark of your trees, or the presence of pests as they have eaten the leaves or bark. This is the most obvious indicator that your tree is suffering from some sort of parasitic disease or has a pest infestation. At this stage, it is important to have a professional look into the matter.

At American Tree Experts, Inc. we offer the best services to keep your trees out of harm’s way. Our pest management services make sure that your trees are protected against pests and diseases. Our most sought out services are pruning, bracing, pest management, and nutritional management. We offer services in Montclair, New Jersey. Call us at 973-744-6091 for a free quote.