American Tree Experts

Understanding The Science Of Tree Fertilization

Understanding The Science Of Tree Fertilization

Boost Growth with Effective Tree Fertilization

Just like humans need a balanced diet, trees rely on specific nutrients to grow strong, resist diseases, and endure harsh weather conditions. In this article, we’ll explore the science of tree fertilization to help you understand the essential nutrients your trees need, how they absorb them, and how proper nutrient management can make all the difference in their health and longevity.

Importance of Tree Fertilization

  • Consistent fertilization is essential to providing your trees with the right amount of nutrients. Fertilizers, whether natural or synthetic, are designed to meet your trees’ specific nutritional needs.

Key reasons for fertilization include:

  • Addressing visible nutrient deficiencies
  • Correcting hidden deficiencies identified through soil or leaf analysis
  • Promoting increased vegetative growth, flowering, or fruiting
  • Boosting the tree’s overall vitality

Fertilizer and Soil pH Considerations

  • Arborists practice a method called “prescription fertilization,” meaning they apply only the nutrients that are confirmed to be deficient. Just like with medicine, applying fertilizer without knowing the issue can lead to poor results. Excessive fertilizer use can disrupt your soil’s pH balance. 

An improper pH can hinder nutrient availability, leading to less effective fertilization. Before applying fertilizers, it’s crucial to test your soil’s pH. Consider consulting a professional to ensure the right balance is maintained and the application is done effectively.

Understanding Soil pH Levels

  • Soil pH measures the acidity or alkalinity of the soil, ranging from 0 to 14, with 7 as neutral. A pH below 7 indicates acidity, while a pH above 7 indicates alkalinity.

Selecting the Right Fertilizer

  • Professional arborists use slow-release fertilizers that are specially formulated for tree health. These fertilizers reduce the need for repeated applications throughout the growing season.

Homeowners should look for fertilizers that meet the following criteria:

  • At least 50% slow-release.
  • Salt index of less than 50 (high salt can harm trees).
  • Low in potassium and phosphorus.

Fertilizer Application Techniques

  • Once you’ve chosen the right fertilizer, it’s time to apply it to the planting site. If possible, apply fertilizer to the soil before planting the tree. However, as your tree matures, you’ll need to use different methods for fertilizer application:

Surface Application

  • Surface application is most effective when there is no turf or ground cover over the roots. For liquid applications, use spray equipment with a flooding tip or water breaker nozzle to ensure even distribution. If you use dry fertilizer, make sure to water it in thoroughly. Avoid surface applications where runoff could occur.

Subsurface Application

  • For this method, drill holes 2-4” wide and 4-8” deep, then pour the fertilizer into each hole. Leave at least 2 inches of soil between the top of the fertilizer and the surface. The fertilizer should be evenly distributed across all holes. Drill holes in a grid pattern spaced 12 to 36 inches apart. This method can be labor-intensive and may damage roots.

Foliar and Trunk Application

  • Fertilizers can also be applied directly to the foliage or injected into the tree. These advanced techniques should only be used when soil application is impractical or ineffective. It’s best to leave foliar sprays and trunk injections to a professional arborist.

Hiring Tree Care Experts for Nutrient ManagementGarden Trees Fertilization

  • Applying the right fertilizers in the right amounts can be tricky. That’s why hiring professionals is often the best choice. Experts know exactly what your trees need and how to apply nutrients safely, ensuring long-term health.

At American Tree Experts in Montclair, our arborists have the knowledge and experience to handle all your tree care needs, including nutrient management. Let us help your trees reach their full potential.

American Tree Experts Inc. provides the best tree nutrient management services, employing highly qualified arborists and experts. Call us today at (973) 774-6091 and let our experts handle all your tree pruning and nutrient management needs.

A Guide To Identifying And Treating Dutch Elm Disease (Part 1)


Understanding the Symptoms and Early Detection of Dutch Elm Disease

Dutch Elm Disease is a serious threat to the beautiful elm trees that line the streets and yards of Newark, North Jersey. While the disease cannot be cured, understanding the signs can help you address it early. This guide to identifying and treating Dutch elm disease will help you protect your elm trees.

Understanding Dutch Elm Disease

  • Dutch Elm Disease (DED) is a deadly disease caused by the fungus Ophiostoma ulmi. It poses a significant threat to American elm trees.

The disease can spread in two primary ways:

  • Through elm bark beetles
  • Root grafts between trees

Once the fungus enters an elm tree, it targets the xylem, the cells responsible for water conduction. The tree responds by producing chemicals that further block these cells, restricting the flow of water and nutrients. This blockage leads to wilting and ultimately causes the tree’s death.

Elm Tree Vulnerability 

  • Elm trees in Newark are most vulnerable to Dutch elm disease from spring through mid-summer. During this period, the tree’s water-conducting elements are actively produced, making them more susceptible to the disease. 

Conversely, elm trees are less prone to this disease during drought conditions and periods of vigorous growth.

Transmission of Dutch Elm Disease

DED primarily spreads from one tree to another in the following ways:

Elm Bark Beetles

  • Dutch Elm Disease is commonly spread by elm bark beetles, which include both native and European species. These beetles are typically brown or black and have oval-shaped bodies. They lay their eggs in weakened or dying elm trees. 

When the larvae develop into adults, they migrate to healthy trees, feeding on them and transmitting the fungus responsible for Dutch Elm Disease.

Grafted Roots

  • Another method of transmission occurs through root grafts. When the roots of two closely planted elm trees intertwine in the soil, the fungus can travel from an infected tree to a healthy one via these grafted roots.

This movement of the fungus through the roots allows the disease to spread upward through the healthy tree. It’s important to plant elm trees at sufficient distances to avoid root grafting.

Signs of Dutch Elm Disease

  • While the internal damage is not visible, the disease appears through noticeable symptoms on the tree’s exterior.

The main signs of Dutch elm disease include:

Wilting Leaves

  • Due to the lack of water and nutrients, the leaves on affected branches will start to wilt and discolor. They will turn yellow, then brown, becoming wilted and curled. Eventually, the leaves will fall off.

Branch Dieback

  • As the leaves begin to discolor and wilt, the branches themselves are also affected. As the leaves die off, the branch will eventually die, too.

Dark Streaks in the Branches

  • While defoliation and dead branches can be symptoms of various diseases, dark streaks within the branches and stems are a telltale sign of Dutch elm disease. These dark streaks appear in the sapwood beneath the bark. 

To check for these streaks, you need to remove the bark. A professional arborists test the brown streaks to confirm Dutch elm disease.

Feeding Galleriesdutch elm pruning

  • Both larvae and adult beetles create feeding galleries in the sapwood, visible beneath the bark. These galleries manifest as lines radiating outward from a central deep line.

We can treat and prevent your trees from becoming infected and help already infected trees. At American Tree Experts, Inc., we offer the best services to keep your plants out of harm’s way. Our pest management services protect your trees from pests throughout the year. Our most sought-after services are pruning, bracing, pest, and nutritional management. We offer services in Montclair, New Jersey. Call us at (973) 744-6091 for a free quote.

Tree Removal Equipment Used by Professionals

list of tree removal equipment

Explore the cutting-edge tree removal equipment used by pros in the industry

Tree removal is a complex task that requires years of experience, careful planning, and execution. As a result, arborists undergo specialized tree care education and training, have proper certification, and are qualified to use various equipment to make the process efficient and safe. This article highlights the equipment professionals use and their role in tree removal.

Cutting Tools

  • Tree removal requires excellent cutting tools, and one of them is a chainsaw. Whether attempting a DIY tree removal or hiring professional arborists for the project, the chainsaw is one of the essentials.

However, the chainsaws used by homeowners and professionals differ. Seasoned professionals use up-to-date and professional-grade equipment. Therefore, it is crucial to opt for companies with well-maintained and new equipment for efficient and safe execution of the task.

In addition to a chainsaw, an arborist’s tool kit also includes the following cutting equipment:

  • Pole saws and hand saws
  • Various axes and wedge
  • Hedge trimmers
  • Wood chippers
  • Hand pruners
  • Tree loppers
  • Hatchets

Climbing Gear

  • Tree climbers are individuals responsible for climbing trees and performing pruning or removal work. They use a wide range of equipment, depending on personal preference. However, here are some of the essential equipment commonly used by all professional tree climbers:

Harness Or Saddle

  • The climber’s harness is one of the essential pieces of equipment necessary for climbing a tree, regardless of the technique used. All other climbing gear is attached to the harness.

Work Positioning Lanyard

  • It is a rope, usually with a steel core, attached to one side of the harness, wrapped around the tree’s trunk, and then fastened to the other side of the harness. It keeps the climber steady and secure while working.


  • Also known as gaffs, climbing spurs are metal spikes attached to the climber’s boots. Spurs allow climbers to climb and move around the tree. However, they should only be used during tree removals because they leave small wounds on the tree trunk. Spur-less climbing techniques are usually used for pruning.


  • Ropes are used to ascend and descend into the canopy. Additionally, they are used for rigging purposes, to lower and raise tools as required, and as a safety line.

Trimming Equipment

  • It is a tree pruning method that reduces the size of a tree while keeping it in the desired shape. Pruning is an effective way to make trees look tidier without causing harm to them. However, tree trimming equipment often overlaps with cutting equipment, including saw scabbards, pruners, wood chippers, landscaping tools, hatches, etc.

Rigging Tools

  • tree removal equipmentRigging tools are essential for climbing larger trees, safely bringing down large limbs to the ground, and getting other equipment into the tree canopy and back down.

Here are some of the examples of rigging tools used by professional tree removal companies:

  • Blocks and pulleys
  • Power pullers
  • Carabiners
  • Winches
  • Hoists
  • Slings
  • Rope

These tools are critical for ensuring a safe working environment for the tree climber and the ground crew. With the help of these tools, arborists can safely remove large limbs and branches without causing damage to the surrounding property or risking their safety. Proper use of tree removal equipment and tools requires specialized training and expertise. Professional tree service providers have the knowledge and experience to use these tools safely.

For the most professional, safe, and affordable tree removal services, contact American Tree Experts Inc. We are one of the best tree pruning and removal services in Montclair, New Jersey. Contact us today at 973-774-6091 and book your consultation with our qualified arborists and specialists.

Top 10 Species of Exotic Trees

rare exotic trees

Read on to discover the top 10 rare and exotic trees

There are over 60,000 known species of trees that exist in the world today. Despite climate change, deforestation, and forest fires, many trees have survived for thousands of years and still thrive today. In this article, we take a look at the top ten rare exotic trees.

Dragon Blood Tree

  • Dragon Blood Trees are only found on an island known as Socotra. Socotra is situated 200 miles off the coast of Yemen and is also known as the jewel of Arabia. This tree has existed for over a millennium and can not be found anywhere else on the planet.

It has an umbrella-like shape, with bare branches growing upwards and green leaves at their ends. It is called Dragon Blood because it grows in the remnants of a prehistoric forest known as Dragonsblood.

  • The bark and branches absorb humidity and then move it to its roots. This shows that the tree has adapted well to Socotra’s environmental conditions. However, the number of Dragon Blood Trees has rapidly declined due to climate change and deforestation.

If you plant this tree in your yard, you will never have to worry about hiring a professional tree pruning company, as this tree forms a unique umbrella shape.

Baobab Tree

  • The baobab tree is native to central-southern Africa and is instantly recognizable due to its long trunks and unique shapes. In addition, the baobab tree has efficiently adapted to the dry weather by absorbing enough water during the monsoon season.

Baobabs use their trunks as a sponge and store water which is then used during dry periods. Elephants are known to rip Boabab trunks in search of water.

  • In addition to Africa, the Baobab tree grows in Zimbabwe, Limpopo (South Africa), and Madagascar. At night, its flowers give off a sour milky scent that attracts bats.

Its flowers produce nectar which is a source of food for many birds. If you have a pollen allergy, then you should avoid this tree at all costs.

Ginkgo Tree

  • Ginkgo Tree is perhaps one of the unique trees in the world due to its medicinal properties. The oldest Ginkgo tree is 1400 years old and is located within the walls of a Buddhist temple in the Zhongnan Mountains of China.

The leaves of the Ginkgo tree change their color from green to bright yellow every fall. The fallen leaves around the tree present a spectacular sight for visitors. Therefore, it is also sometimes called the Maidenhair Tree.

  • Ginkgo Tree is a living fossil because it is one of the few trees that has existed since the time of dinosaurs.

Kauri Tree

  • exotic treesKauri Tree is known to be one of the strongest trees on Earth. They grow to about 50m in height and 16m in circumference. They are found in New Zealand and have been growing for the past 2200 years.

Kauri forests are known to be one of the most ancient forests on Earth. The oldest tree in this forest is known as Tane Mahuta, the Maori God for forests and birds.

Pando Tree

  • Pando Tree is also known as the trembling giant. Pando Trees grow as a collective colony of males. This colony is a single living organism with a unified roots system and identical genetic markers.

Pando is a word from Latin that means ‘I spread’. Pando trees are the oldest in the world, and their colony is made up of quaking aspen trees.

Silver Birch, Finland

  • The silver birch is mainly found in the Scandinavian region. This region is also referred to as the Nordic region, which includes Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Iceland, as well as the Faroe Islands, Greenland, and Åland. Within this region, the majority population of Silver Birch trees is located in Finland.

It’s called silver birch because of its white peeling bark. This white color is an evolutionary trait that helps protect the plant against too much light. During the snow season, the tree with its white bark presents a genuinely mesmerizing view.

  • Some people in Finland even have this tree in their back yards. They often hire a professional tree pruning company to prune off their excess branches, thus enhancing their beauty.

Traveler’s Tree, Madagascar

  • About 90 million years ago, Madagascar separated from Africa and existed as a separate island with its own ecosystem. The separation of Madagascar allowed its plants and animals to evolve according to the new environmental conditions. As a result, much of its vegetation remains untouched, due to which there are many rare and exotic trees on this island.

One such exotic tree is the Traveler’s tree. It has massive foliage of fan-like leaves that is believed to orient itself consistently. The Traveler’s tree has a reputation that its leaves can also be used as a compass.

  • Some scientists consider the traveler’s tree to be a distant relative of the Bird of Paradise flower. The traveler’s tree has large turquoise blue seeds. Scientists believe that this tree co-evolved with the ruffed lemur. The ruffed lemur only has blue and green receptors in its eyes. The lemur eats the seeds and defecates them in a different part of the forest.

Areca Palm Tree, India

  • The Areca Palm tree is mainly found in India. It is a tall and slender tree species. It has a disc-like trunk having dark and light horizontal bands. The Areca Palm tree bears an orange fruit that contains large seeds.

These seeds are deeply linked to India’s paan culture. A paan is a small envelope of betel vine leaves containing areca nut, slaked lime chemical, and a mixture of spices and flavorings. Sometimes it also contains powdered tobacco.

  • Paan is consumed by chewing the envelope but not swallowing it. It is often used in social gatherings and an after-dinner mouth cleanser.

Yoshino Cherry, Japan

  • The Yoshino Cherry tree is native to Japan and is truly a fantastic sight because of its vibrant flowers. The flowers bloom before the foliage appears on the trees. As a result, millions of people flock to Japan during the hanami time, also known as Japan’s cherry blossom season.

The trees clad with pinkish white flowers are instantly recognizable due to their popularity. In the Japanese language, the feelings inspired by these flowers are known as mono no aware.

  • The locals regard the trees with reverence and are of great interest to foreign tourists. The tree branch with its beautiful flowers can be found all around Japan in the form of logos and designs printed on clothing, porcelain, and even tattoos. If you suffer from pollen allergy, then this is one tree you must avoid being exposed to.

Brazil Nut, Bolivia

  • Brazil Nut trees are found in great numbers in Bolivia. These are insanely tall trees with straight trunks. The trees bloom with large white flowers.

The seeds (nuts) are arranged within a hard shell-like casing resembling a cricket ball. Its casing is hard enough to withstand a hit at 60mph. Once the shell is cracked open, one can find the nuts positioned inside in a way similar to orange segments. These nuts are a source of food for the agoutis. Agoutis are local rodents that gnaw through the casing and spread the seeds.

  • Getting your hands on such an exotic tree for your yard might be challenging. But, if you correctly prune and maintain your trees, they are no less than exotic trees. We, at American Tree Experts Inc, offer a wide variety of services for your trees. So call us today at 973-774-6091 and get your quote ASAP!

4 Common FAQs About Tree Cabling

answer to most faqs about tree cabling

Here are the answers to the most common FAQs about tree cabling

Trees are an essential component of the ecosystem. They offer shelter to humans and animals and are home to multiple birds, insects, and other organisms. A landscape laden with well-maintained trees is charming and visually appealing. Regular pruning and trimming keep trees in good shape.

However, sometimes trees can become wild, unstable, and imbalanced. An imbalanced trunk or a loosely hanging branch are safety hazards for anyone found in the vicinity of the tree. To prevent any mishaps and to make the trees safer, tree cabling is practiced. Let us explore tree cabling through these frequently asked questions.

What is Tree Cabling?

  • Tree cabling is a common gardening practice. It involves the use of cables or rods to connect a weak or compromised branch to a strong branch that is usually present on the same tree. This method is used to add strength to poorly positioned branches that are at risk of snapping or growing in the wrong direction.

When the branches are connected through a durable yet flexible cable, it creates tension in the cable. The tension keeps the weak branch in an erect position and helps it grow in a more controlled manner. Cabling restricts the movement of the weak branch and gives it structural integrity.

What Are The Benefits of Tree Cabling?

  • Not all branches receive the same amount of nutrition and sunlight. In heavily branched and tall trees, some branches have to compete for sunlight and other resources. Due to the lack of space to grow vertically and expand horizontally, a few branches may start growing at odd angles. These branches have little structural integrity and can snap and fall due to high wind and other environmental factors.

For such branches, tree cabling provides an effective solution. Cabling adds strength to a wayward branch and helps them grow in the right position. The cables are removed once the branch has become strong enough and has developed a strong connection with the tree trunk.

  • Another benefit of cabling trees is that it enables the tree to grow denser and longer foliage. This makes the tree healthier and improves its appearance.

Which Species Benefit The  Most From Tree Cabling?

Empirical evidence suggests that trees that grow wide, have open canopies, and have multiple trunks benefit the most from tree cabling. Some examples include:

  • faqs about tree cabling

    The Live Oak

  • Shumard Red Oak
  • Pecan
  • Texas Red Oak
  • Cedar Elm
  • River Birch
  • Arizona Ash
  • Hackberry

What Are Some Signs That Trees Require Cabling?

There are a number of factors that weaken the tree and lead to the loss of structural integrity. Some of the primary factors are:

  • Age of the tree. Old trees become frail with time.
  • Type of wood. Red cedar, Subalpine Fur, European Silver Fur, Balsam Poplar, and Paulownia are some of the weakest types of woods that need additional strength and support.
  • Growth pattern and availability of nutrients
  • Weight of branches
  • Not getting proper care
  • Strong winds and storms
  • Damage due to pest infestation

A combination of the above factors weakens the tree. Cabling is required to provide strength to the tree branches. Some important telltale signs that tree requires cabling are:

  • Tree branches lean to one side
  • The appearance of cracks in the branches or at the junction where the branch meets the trunk
  • Sagging branches
  • The extreme swaying of the branch when the wind blows
  • Branches make a creaking noise when they get piled with snow

To get the best tree cabling and bracing services, contact America Tree Inc. We offer multiple tree care and maintenance services in Montclair, New Jersey, and nearby areas. To get a free estimate of our services, call us at 973-744-6091.

Emerald Ash Borer Treatment

Ash Trees in Danger in Our Area

(Link Montclair Emerald Ash Tree Confirmed)

The Emerald Ash Borer, an insect that has been wreaking havoc on ash trees in the central United States for the last few years has finally invaded our area.  This insect feeds only on ash trees and repeated feedings can lead to tree death.  Once infestation has begun, trees often die within 2-4 years.

It is said that over the next few years. 99{7441e487f227dbd1e0d0d8c3b75bcec9fb02872f348e8f6979cf633b8f9dcf63} of NJ ash trees will die due to emerald ash borer infestations!

American Tree Experts are here to help!

What can you do if your trees are infected?

Well first you need to know if your tree is an Ash tree.

Even if you do identify your trees as Ash it is can be very hard to spot signs of an infestation

Is Your Tree An Ash?


Green Ash Tree


White Ash Tree


Some Signs & Symptoms To Look For


The damage is usually diagnosed by 1/8” D-shaped exit holes in the bark or by the serpentine winding trails seen when loose bark is peeled away.



Even with the above information you may not notice the signs until it is too late. We here at American Tree Experts have been dealing with the Emerald Ash Borer specifically in Montclair, New Jersey quite often. We can treat and prevent your ash trees from becoming infected and help trees that are already infected.

Don’t Wait Until It Is Too Late!
(973) 744-6091