American Tree Experts

5 Spring Tree Care Tips For Healthy Trees

spring tree care tips

Here is a list of the top 5 spring tree care tips for healthy trees

Spring is a time when gardeners are always on edge to make the most out of their trees. The shift in temperature promotes the growth of new branches and leaves and the blooming of flowers. This is the perfect time to exercise care and help your tree grow healthier.

Why Is Spring So Important To Trees?

  • Spring is important for trees because it gives them the chance to recover from the harsh winters. It is a time of accelerated growth and healing for many trees and is vital for their reproduction as well. You must tend to the needs of your trees during this period as it will influence how strong they grow till the next winter.

Three Phases Of Spring

  • Many gardeners divide spring into three phases. This makes it easier to manage the needs of their tree whilst keeping track of optimum timing to exercise certain tree-care practices. These phases are:

Early Spring

  • Early spring is when the temperatures are changing from cold to moderately warmer. Snow starts to melt and new leaves and stems start to sprout. This is also the time when many pests come out of hiding, and their eggs start to hatch.

Pre-Bloom Period

  • The pre-bloom period is when your tree is consuming the most nutrients from the soil to create flowers to blossom. The prerequisite of this phase is that the dead branches and leaves of the tree should be removed, and the soil should be replenished so there are enough nutrients.

During Springtime

  • This is when spring is in full swing and there is the growth of trees, flowers, and fruit everywhere. You can ideally plant new trees during this period and line existing ones with mulch to preserve moisture in the soil.

Spring Care Tips For Healthy Trees

  • Some of the best things you can do to care for your trees during springtime are as follows:

Inspect Your Trees

  • The first and most important thing that you need to do is inspect your trees. During the winter, many pests may lay their eggs on the bark of trees and inside cracks in the trunks. These eggs will hatch and infest the tree in spring if you do not identify them in time.

Consider Pruning

  • Since spring is the time for growth and rejuvenation, pruning is perfect for this season. Try and cut off dead or dying branches so that new ones can grow in their place. Always consider a proper pruning pattern so that your tree’s structure is not harmed.

Get Rid of Weeds

  • Weeds take up nutrients from the soil that trees need during spring for flowering and growth. Weeding the garden and the area around the trees helps remove extra plants exhausting the soil of its nutritional value. It is especially recommended to weed out your garden during spring.

Use Fertilizer

  • spring tree careFertilizing the soil and trees is a must for any springtime gardening. The trees can use the extra nutrients in the soil and it will help them grow better as well. You can consider using mulch to lock in moisture in the soil after April showers to boost growth.

Water Your Trees

  • Although spring may seem like the time when trees don’t need much attention, you need to water them regularly. This is because trees are using up a lot of the soil’s moisture to grow new leaves, branches, and flowers.

At American Tree Experts, Inc. we offer the best services to keep your trees out of harm’s way. Our pest management services make sure that your trees are protected against pests and diseases in the springtime. Our most sought out services are pruning, bracing, pest management, and nutritional management. We offer services in Montclair, New Jersey. Call us at 973-744-6091 for a free quote.

Top 5 Signs of A Diseased Tree

top signs of a diseased tree

Here is a list of top signs of a diseased tree and how to solve the problem

Trees are susceptible to diseases just like any other living organism. However, the signs of diseases in trees are hard to detect when you are not familiar with the basics of tree health. To the regular person, it may look like your tree is going through some changes, but this can be very dangerous.

Although there are ways to tackle tree diseases at home, a professional opinion is always recommended. You need to know the signs of tree disease so you can get your tree help in time and save it from any permanent damage.

What Are Tree Diseases?

  • Tree diseases are conditions that affect the tree, its longevity, and reproductive abilities. These can be caused by a lack of nutrients as well as by pests and bacteria. They are commonly prevalent in springtime and winters are the period when most pests lay their eggs. Knowing the timing to check your tree for diseases is also a very important aspect of tree care.

What Are Some Of The Most Common Tree Diseases

Some of the most common tree diseases are:

  • Anthracnose
  • Leaf Spots
  • Rust
  • Powdery Mildew
  • Tar Spots
  • Leaf Blisters
  • Canker Diseases
  • Apple Scabs

Signs Of A Diseased Tree

  • Although a professional is better at diagnosing tree diseases, you can learn to be on the lookout for certain signs as well. Some of the most common signs of a diseased tree are:

The Tree Bark Is Changing

  • The bark of a tree tells many things about its health. If you notice fungus growing on the tree, or small lumps on the bark then the tree is catching a disease. Similarly, you should be on the lookout for white or black spots on the bark. For subtle signs such as peeling or chipping bark, you can ask a professional for a second opinion.

The Foilage Is Reducing

  • Healthy trees are almost always green and full of leaves. The foliage of your tree gradually reduces towards autumn and sometimes sheds completely in winter. However, a significant reduction in foliage during spring or summer is a clear indicator of a diseased tree.

The Trunk Is Cracking

  • A healthy tree’s trunk is strong and does not easily crack. Cracking of the trunk could indicate a nutrient deficiency or the onset of a disease. Harmless cracks are often only on the surface and do not run deep. If the cracks on your tree’s trunk run deeper than the bark, then your tree may be compromised.

Leaves Are Starting to Discolor

  • signs of a diseased treeA tree’s leaves tend to change color only in autumn as they prepare to fall. If your tree’s leaves are changing color in any other season then it could indicate an underlying issue. If you have an evergreen tree, leaves turning brown, red, or yellow could be signs that the tree is dying and needs immediate help.

You Can See Pests

  • Sometimes you can see a fine powder on the bark of your trees, or the presence of pests as they have eaten the leaves or bark. This is the most obvious indicator that your tree is suffering from some sort of parasitic disease or has a pest infestation. At this stage, it is important to have a professional look into the matter.

At American Tree Experts, Inc. we offer the best services to keep your trees out of harm’s way. Our pest management services make sure that your trees are protected against pests and diseases. Our most sought out services are pruning, bracing, pest management, and nutritional management. We offer services in Montclair, New Jersey. Call us at 973-744-6091 for a free quote.

Top 9 Tree Cabling Pros and Cons – What You Need To Know

tree cabling pros and cons

Learn tree cabling pros and cons to understand whether its needed or not

Trees add to the aesthetics of any landscape or home. However, they can also be a threat or danger in some cases. Tree cabling and bracing are effective methods to reduce the hazards of certain trees whilst keeping them in their natural environment.

Pros And Cons Of Tree Cabling

There are some pros and cons associated with the tree cabling process. Read more about them to find out whether your tree should be cabled or not.


Lengthens The Lifespan Of Trees

  • Cabling can help increase the lifespan of a tree by preventing it from falling or having major branches break off. It also helps the tree manage its weight better so it doesn’t develop any bark conditions or crack in places.

Helps Make Trees Safe

  • Trees can be a safety hazard at times if they lean too much or are too heavy at the top. They can fall over at any minute or have a thick branch fall off. Tree cabling ensures that these hazardous trees are made safe by holding the structure together and preventing accidents.

Required For Legal Compliance

  • In some cases, certain trees need to be cabled to comply with local rules and regulations. The fines for not complying with these legalities can mount up a lot. Using tree cabling helps avoid any issues with the authorities in the long term.

A Good Alternative For Pruning

  • In some cases, the tree is not in the right condition or season to be pruned. Early pruning may stunt the tree’s growth and cause issues. Hence, to keep the tree stable till pruning season, it can be cabled so that the structure remains intact till pruning season.

Helps Maintain The Tree’s Structure

  • Lastly, tree cabling can help the tree maintain its structure. This ensures a beautiful and full crown that provides maximum shade without being a threat. It can also strengthen the tree for additional structures like swings and treehouses.


Tree Cabling Can Be Expensive

  • Generally, tree cabling is an expensive procedure that should only be done on trees that are important to a locality or home. You do not want to have this procedure done on a tree that could be removed otherwise without losing anything substantial.

It’s A High Maintenance Procedure

  • tree cabling prosTree cabling is a high maintenance procedure. This is because the tree continues to grow after it has been cabled. This means that it has to be monitored and controlled to ensure the cabling is still effective.

Unprofessional Cabling Can Cause Damage

  • When having a tree cabled, you need to make sure that you hire a professional agency that can properly cable the tree. If the tree is not properly cabled, it can sustain damage to its structure and bark. Therefore it can end up becoming harmful in the long run.

May Need To Be Removed For Pruning

  • When the time for pruning the tree arrives, removing the cabling can be expensive. It puts the entire effort to waste as the materials might not be used up again. Therefore consider how long you need the tree secured before going through with tree cabling.

At American Tree Experts, Inc. we offer the best services to keep your plants out of harm’s way. Our tree cabling service makes sure that your trees are secured and protected. Our most sought out services are pruning, bracing, pest management, and nutritional management. We offer services in Montclair, New Jersey. Call us at 973-744-6091 for a free quote.

7 Ways to Improve Fertility of Garden Soil

7 ways to improve fertility of garden soil

Learn 7 easy methods to improve the fertility of garden soil naturally

Soil fertility is an essential factor to consider when gardening. Fertile soil will produce healthy plants, flowers, and vegetables. Although organic fertilizers have many benefits, you can improve soil fertility naturally as well. There are several ways to improve the fertility of your garden soil. Here are the top seven ways to improve garden soil.

Add Compost

  • Adding compost is one of the best ways to improve garden soil and enhance fertility. By adding compost to your garden, you provide your plants with essential nutrients, improve your soil structure, and increase the water-holding capacity of your soil. Compost also helps to suppress plant diseases and pests, and it increases the rate at which your soil warms up in the springtime.

Compost is decomposed organic matter that enables the soil to maintain a neutral pH level and protects your vegetation from many garden diseases.

Conduct A Soil Test

  • A soil test is the best way to determine the fertility of your garden soil and what, if any, amendments are needed. Soil amendments can include compost, manure, or fertilizers.

The best time to conduct a soil test is in the late fall or early winter before planting begins. This will give you enough time to make any necessary amendments before planting in the spring. You can also test your soil throughout the gardening season to see if additional modifications are needed.

Mulch The Soil

  • One way to improve the fertility of your garden is by mulching the soil. Mulching is the process of adding a layer of material to the soil’s surface to protect it from erosion, improve moisture retention, and enhance the fertility of the soil. You can use various materials for mulching, including compost, bark chips, straw, or leaves.

Prevent Compaction

  • Soil compaction occurs when the soil particles are pressed together tightly, reducing the air spaces in the soil. This makes it more difficult for water and roots to move through the soil and can lead to a decrease in plant growth. Soil compaction can be prevented by using organic matter, such as compost, to improve the soil structure.

Clay soil compacts a lot quicker and requires a fair bit of organic matter to keep the natural balance in the soil’s structure.

Rotate Plants

  • When you rotate your plants, you are improving the fertility of your garden soil. By rotating your crops, you allow each type of crop to feed off different nutrients in the soil. This also helps prevent any kind of crop from depleting the soil of any particular nutrient.

Produce Cover Crops

  • improve fertility of garden soilCover crops are a vital part of any garden and help strengthen the structure and health of the soil. They can be produced at any time of the year and come in various shapes and sizes. If you want to improve the fertility of your garden soil, be sure to plant some cover crops this season.

Add Animal Manure

  • Adding aged animal manure is one of the easiest ways to improve garden soil fertility. The manure will help add nutrients and organic matter to the soil, which will help improve the overall health of your plants. Use balanced manure, such as cow manure, rather than poultry manure, which is high in nitrogen and can be harmful to plants in large quantities.

At American Tree Experts, Inc. we offer the best services to keep your plants out of harm’s way. Our Nutrient Management for Gardens service makes sure that your garden soil is always nutritional and ready to support growing plants. Our most sought out services are pruning, bracing, pest management, and nutritional management. We offer services in Montclair, New Jersey. Call us at 973-744-6091 for a free quote.

5 Proven Ways to Protect Garden Trees From Pest Infestation

how to protect garden trees

Learn 5 proven ways to protect garden trees from pest infestation

Trees are a valuable part of any landscape, providing shade and adding beauty. However, pests can be a big problem for trees, as they can damage or even kill them. Protecting your trees from pest infestation is essential to keeping them healthy and looking good. Here are five ways to protect your trees from pests:

Trimming Your Trees

  • Pests can be a big problem for trees – they can damage the bark, leaves, and fruit of the tree, making it difficult for the tree to grow and thrive. One of the best ways to protect them is to regularly trim your trees. Don’t delay treating your tree for pests. If left untreated, it can lead to extensive damage and death to your tree. Putting in the effort to protect them will help keep them beautiful and healthy.

Keeping Them Hydrated

  • Water is essential for the life of all trees. It is imperative to water your trees thoroughly and frequently during hot, dry summers. Young trees should be watered every week, while mature trees can go for two weeks without water. Newly-planted trees should be watered until they become established, taking several years.

To water your trees effectively, use a garden hose with a sprinkler attachment and water at the base of the tree trunk. Be sure to wet the entire root zone, which extends outwards from the trunk in a radius of about three times the tree’s height. Watering in this way will help your trees stay healthy and pest-free.

Keep Your Yards Clean

  • Another way to protect your trees from pest infestation is to keep your yards and gardens clean. This means removing any debris or fallen leaves and keeping the grass trimmed short. Protecting your trees will also prevent pests from spreading to other plants in your garden or yard, which can be hosts for specific pests.

Many pests are specific to certain types of trees or even certain species of trees. If you have a pest problem, consider replacing the affected trees with different species less susceptible to infestations.

Wrap Them Up

  • Wrapping a tree in burlap or other protective material can help keep pests away. Wrapping up your trees will not just keep the pests off of them, but it will also protect them from other hazards such as sun scalding if you live in a colder region. Additionally, with the help of a tree wrap, you can avoid using pesticides as these wraps keep the pests from reaching the exposed bits of the tree while allowing for a steady water flow.

Inspect Regularly

  • protect garden treesIt is crucial to always be on the lookout for pests that can harm your trees whenever you are in your garden. There are a few things that you can do to protect your trees from pest infestation, and the most important one is to inspect them for any signs of trouble regularly. A few types of trees are more likely to attract pests, so it’s important to be extra vigilant if you plant these kinds of trees.

For example, maple trees attract aphids, walnut trees attract walnut caterpillars, ash trees attract borers, elm trees attract beetles, willow trees attract galls, cottonwood trees attract leaf beetles and tent caterpillars, and finally, birch trees can also become infested with aphids and mites.

  • If any of your fruit or ornamental tree shows signs of pest infestation such as discoloration or misshapen growth on leaves, shoots, or fruits; webbing between branches, make sure to take quick action before the infestation spreads.

At American Tree Experts, Inc. we offer the best services to keep your plants out of harm’s way. Our pest management services make sure that your trees are protected from pests all through the year. Our most sought out services are pruning, bracing, pest management, and nutritional management. We offer services in Montclair, New Jersey. Call us at 973-744-6091 for a free quote.

5 Trees You Should Never Plant In Your Home Garden

list of trees you should never plant

Check the list of 5 trees you should never plant in your garden

There are many landscape trees that look beautiful on their own with bright leaves or mesmerizing flowers and fruits. However, some trees may not be the best option for your home. Some trees come with added maintenance and cleaning, others with allergies and poisonous elements. Therefore, knowing the type of trees to avoid is very important.

Why Should You Avoid Planting Certain Trees in Your Home?

There are many reasons why certain trees do not belong anywhere near your home. Some of the most common reasons are:

  • The tree is messy and very high maintenance.
  • It releases large amounts of pollen and heightens allergies.
  • Sticky sap and falling fruit make it hard to clean the ground.
  • It has a dense shade that prevents grass or other plants from growing.
  • The structure of the tree weakens with time and it becomes a hazard.
  • It is an invasive tree and the roots are bad for the structure of the room.
  • Due to its high water absorption, it’s drying the soil out.

Top Tree Species To Avoid Planting

Now that we have established why it is important to avoid planting certain trees in your home, let’s look at the top five trees that make the list:


  • Mulberry trees have a large canopy that forms a dense shade over the ground. This shade makes it difficult for plants or grass to grow underneath it. It also has a high pollen output along with fruit that easily falls to the ground and rots. This increases insects in your area and makes it hard to clean the floor up. On top of that, the roots may cause damage to pavements or cemented flooring.


  • Eucalyptus trees were initially native to Australia but have been exported to the world because of how fast they grow. These big trees have thick and far-reaching roots that may upset the natural water table of the soil. It is a very high-maintenance tree that sheds bark, has falling seed pods, and has unreliable branches that are prone to falling off. Therefore, you should not plant this tree in your home.

Sweet Gum

  • A general rule of thumb is to stay away from trees that excrete excessive amounts of sap, and the Sweetgum tree is no exception to this. However, the main threat these trees pose is due to their seed pods that are shaped like spiky balls. These seedpods litter the floor during autumn and winter and can get stuck to your clothes and pets. It makes it very difficult to keep the surrounding area clean.


  • trees you should never plantGinko trees are loved for their intense yellow leaves and many find these landscape trees to be desirable. However, the female variety of these trees is a nightmare for any homeowner. They have one of the smelliest fruits that easily fall to the ground and end up rotting. Along with this, there is a lot of shedding that owners have to take care of.

Red Oak

  • Red oaks trees are strong and beautiful in the autumn but their beauty does not belong in homes. These trees face a lot of shedding in autumn when it comes to the leaves and acorns. It also releases allergy-triggering pollen as well. The components of this tree can be especially harmful to cars that are parked underneath it as falling acorns dent the surface.

At American Tree Experts, Inc. we offer the best services to keep your plants out of harm’s way. Our nutrient and tree management services make sure that you select and grow the perfect varieties for your home. Our most sought out services are pruning, bracing, pest management, and nutritional management. We offer services in Montclair, New Jersey. Call us at 973-744-6091 for a free quote.

Are Garden Trees A Safety Hazard? 5 Telltale Signs to Look Out For

are garden trees a safety hazard

Here are 5 significant signs of why garden trees are a safety hazard – protect your family

Having greenery around you and your home is something everyone wants. Trees clean out air, calm the nerves, and are very good for maintaining mental health. However, some trees can become safety hazards over time.

The best way to rein in hazardous trees is through professional cabling. Usually, a professional would have to inspect the property to determine which trees are hazardous, however, it is pretty commonsensical and you can do it as well. The most important thing is to notice the threat early enough to make a timely decision. The earlier you identify a problem, the easier it is for professionals to take care of it.

The Signs To Look Out For

It is important to be able to spot the signs of a tree being a safety hazard. Some of the most important signs to look out for are:

Broken or Hanging Branches

  • For fully grown trees, broken or hanging branches can be quite a threat. This is because these branches are likely to fall off at any time and can hurt people or property. If this threat is ignored, it can be very dangerous in the case of a storm or windy weather. You might not always see the damage very clearly as cracks and wear can be in hidden places.

Dry or Cracking Bark

  • Sometimes trees experience issues known as ‘Ingrown Bark’. This usually happens when two branches meet and form a V shape at their conjunction and not a U. This situation occurs if a tree has not been pruned properly. In the long run, the bark begins to dry out and gets weaker, and over time one of the two main branches may fall.

Leaning Trees

  • Leaning trees are the most obvious tree hazard and you don’t need a professional to figure that out. When inspected, things such as the duration of incline, the degree of incline, and what it’s likely to fall on will be taken into consideration. Some trees lean naturally, but if the incline starts at the base of the trunk, it could be a problem.

Weakened Tree Trunk

  • garden trees a safety hazardA weakened tree trunk is a sign of a potential safety hazard when the crown of the tree begins to get too heavy. Over time, the trunk starts to wear and can hollow out at times as well. This leads to the development of a poor structure. In the case of a storm or any other extreme weather, it can cause the trunk to break or give way.

Severe Root Damage

  • One of the most common damages that trees sustain is to the roots. This is especially true in areas where there is a lot of construction. Clearing out the land for houses or other forms of buildings can cut off major roots of the tree. It can also free the soil that roots are holding on to. In cases like these, trees are not as stable or balanced.

Getting A Professional Opinion

It is always preferred that you get a professional opinion when you feel that a tree on your property may be a potential hazard. In case you find a tree on public property to be hazardous you can mention it to the city authorities.

At American Tree Experts, Inc. we offer the best services to keep your plants out of harm’s way. Our tree cabling and bracing services make sure that any hazardous trees are supported and reined in. Our most sought out services are pruning, bracing, pest management, and nutritional management. We offer services in Montclair, New Jersey. Call us at 973-744-6091 for a free quote.

5 Important Questions to Ask Before Pruning Trees

questions to ask about pruning trees

Here are the answers to important questions asked about pruning trees

Plants need regular maintenance to grow healthy and strong. One of the ways to do this is to prune them. This is especially important for trees. However, not everyone knows the types of pruning, and those who do might not have the expertise required to do the job right.

What is Tree Pruning?

  • Tree pruning is the task of removing dead branches from the tree to make sure nutrients are provided to growing branches or specific areas like fruits and flowers.

It makes the tree stronger, promotes better growth, and can help prevent a lot of issues. Like most treatments for trees, pruning has to be timed perfectly for maximum effect.

Things To Ask Yourself Before Tree Pruning

Some of the most important questions to ask yourself before you start pruning your tree are as follows:

Is this the right time?

  • Pruning needs to be timed right. You need to be sure that you know the growth pattern of your plant and in which season it becomes dormant. The best time to prune is usually in the winters as the dead branches are easier to pick out. It also helps utilize the tree’s resources in the cold months. The worst time to prune would be in spring.

Why am I doing this?

  • You need to have your motives set out in front of you. Knowing why you are pruning helps you target branches better and cut them off in an efficient manner. For example, if you are pruning your tree to lessen its weight and help it achieve height, you’d cut off heavy branches. If you are pruning for the winters, you would cut off dead branches.

Do I know how to make the right cut?

  • Making the right cut is very important. This is because pruning is done to promote growth. The wrong cut might stunt growth and cause issues instead. Try investing in better equipment especially for pruning. The best method is the ‘three cut method’. You first cut to make sure the bark does not peel, then you cut off most of the branch and finally chop it off.

How much do I cut off?

  • pruning treesKnowing how much of the tree to cut off depends on your goal, the age of the tree, and the season you are pruning in.  If your tree is fairly young you can cut about one-third of the crown during pruning. However, for older trees, it is advised to cut no more than 10%. Most of the cuttings should be made from the crown of the tree.

Do I know how fast my tree grows?

  • Tree growth patterns majorly affect how much pruning a tree needs and at what time. Some trees grow faster than others, some can grow in cooler temperatures while others need warmer climates. If you pay attention to your tree’s growth patterns, you are unlikely to mess up the pruning process.

Although it can be done at home, hiring an expert doesn’t hurt either. Experts know exactly what your tree needs and can prune them in the most excellent way. If you are unsure about how to prune your trees, it is best to let someone who knows do it instead.

At American Tree Experts, Inc. we offer the best services to keep your plants out of harm’s way. Our tree pruning services ensure that the process promotes the growth of your tree. Our most sought out services are pruning, bracing, pest management, and nutritional management. We offer services in Montclair, New Jersey. Call us at 973-744-6091 for a free quote.

4 Common Winter Tree Pests And How To Get Rid Of Them

4 common winter tree pests

Here is a list of 4 common winter tree pests and tips to get rid of them

Winters can be a harsh time for trees and plants alike. With low temperatures, weak sunlight, and stunted growth, it is important that one keeps trees safe from an additional threat such as pests. Although you may think that you know the tips and tricks of keeping trees safe, some of the most prevalent tree care tactics are actually baseless myths.

Pests That Attack Trees In The Winter

Some of the most common pests attack trees in the winters. Therefore it is important to know about them so you can protect your trees. Here are four of the most common winter pests:

Spider Mites

  • Spider mites prefer the winters to hide in the bark of trees for hibernation and protection against the cold weather. In the summer months, they are incredibly active and can multiply in large numbers. They can cause damage to your leaves as well as strip the tree of its sap. That’s why it’s imperative that you tackle the problem as soon as you can.

You might notice red or brown powder dust on the bark of your trees. This is often a dead giveaway that they have been attacked by spider mites.


  • Scales insects look like bumps on the bark of the tree. Their appearance is what makes them so dangerous as one wouldn’t assume they are insects in the first place. They have both hard and soft protective shells that keep them safe from any insecticide. On the inside, they feast on the plant and drain it of its nutrients.

Over time, the plant may start looking dead and not grow very well. They are a serious threat because they often go unnoticed till the plant has sustained visible damage.


  • Aphids are the lice of trees, tiny bugs that infest the tree in large numbers. There are over 4000 known species in the world and they come in many different colors. Although there are natural predators that eat them, they are not been preyed on enough to reduce an infestation. In the winter months, they lay eggs on the trees and lay dormant till temperatures rise in spring.

Aphids eat the sap of trees, depriving them of their nutrients. During an aphid infestation, a tree can easily turn yellow with stunted growth in a short while. It is important to take care of the eggs in winters or else the tree won’t have much of a chance in spring.

Coddling Moth Grubs

  • common winter tree pestsWhen it comes to pest infections, worms are the last thing you’d expect to be tackling. Coddling Moth Grubs are larvae that like to reside in fruit and nut-bearing trees for the winter. As soon as fruits begin to develop in spring, they attack the fruit and cause issues in plant reproduction. These pests are the infamous worms you see in apples in various popular media.

For a common person, it could be next to impossible to spot these creatures. Only a professional can spot them and get rid of them. You need to make sure the issue is tackled before winter starts.

The Best Way To Get Rid Of Pests

  • Although there are many natural and homemade remedies to rid trees of winter pests, there is no guarantee that they will work. This is because most of these pests are incredibly stubborn and lay eggs in large quantities. At-home remedies simply lack the scope of the solution required to make a difference.

At American Tree Experts, Inc. we offer the best services to keep your plants out of harm’s way. Our pest control services can help rid your trees of winter pests before their eggs have the chance to hatch in spring. Some of our other most sought out services are pruning, bracing, pest management, and nutritional management. We offer services in Mont Clair, New Jersey. Call us at 973-744-6091 for a free quote.

5 Different Types of Tree Pruning

different types of tree pruning

Learn different types of tree pruning and their benefits from tree experts near you

Trees are an important gift of nature. They add beauty, offer protection, shade, and increase the commercial value of a property. Grooming and regular maintenance are important aspects of tree care. One essential practice of tree maintenance is regular pruning.

Tree pruning is the practice of selectively removing dead branches from the tree. The purpose of tree pruning is to add strength to the tree, fortify its structure and stimulate its growth.

In this article, let us explore the different types and techniques of pruning trees.

Types of Tree Pruning

1. Dead Pruning

As the name suggests, dead pruning involves the trimming or complete removal of dead, diseased, or lifeless branches of a tree. This type of pruning is often performed at the tree’s crown, hence it is also known as crown cleaning. Dead pruning is the most basic type of pruning which offers the following benefits:

  • Protection from injury and damage to property from accidental fall of dangling dead branches.
  • Preventing the spread of diseases from sick branches
  • Enhancing the aesthetic appeal of the tree and giving it a more groomed appearance

In some cases, only the dead portion of the branch is removed rather than the whole branch itself. This gives a clean look to the tree without losing critical mass.

2. Crown Thinning

  • This is another type of tree pruning that involves the removal of weak branches from the tree’s crown. Crown thinning reduces the extra branches and allows greater penetration of light and air into the tree. This practice removes the diseased branches and allows healthy branches to flourish due to the better distribution of nutrients.

When performing crown thinning, avoid removing too much mass from the center because that can impact the structural integrity of the tree.

3. Crown Lifting

  • In crown lifting, the lower branches of the crown are trimmed and pruned. This practice reduces the load of the larger limbs. The reduction in extra weight results in an uplifted appearance of the crown, hence the name crown lifting is assigned.

Low-hanging branches are a health hazard for anyone in their vicinity. Crown lifting makes sidewalks and roads safer for passersby when they travel on the sidewalks or roads. Crown lifting should be performed for younger plants because they don’t develop deep wounds. Crown lifting gives a groomed and crisp appearance to the tree.

4. Crown Reduction

  • types of tree pruningCrown reduction is performed to preserve the main limb. To do so, terminal branches of the tree are removed. Crown reduction promotes the health of the tree by decreasing the risk of decay. When performed correctly, crown reduction results in an overall reduction of tree height. It also lifts a dead weight from the tree.

Crown reduction gives better results when performed on younger trees that are in the growing phase. For mature trees, it is recommended to remove the entire limb rather than removing the dead part of it.

5. Pollarding

  • This is the most advanced pruning technique in which all primary branches are removed. Only the secondary branches remain on the tree trunk. Arborists recommend that pollarding should be performed periodically during the entire lifespan of the tree. Pollarding gives the best results when performed on young trees.

Tree pruning requires an in-depth understanding of tree structure and its needs. For best results, contact an experienced pruning and removals service provider such as American Tree Experts, Inc. We offer pruning, removal, tree cabling, bracing, pest, and nutrient management services in Mont Clair, NJ, and nearby areas. For a free estimate of our services, contact us at 973-744-6091.