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Here is the list of trees to avoid planting in your vicinity if you have a pollen allergy
Having a pollen allergy can be very difficult for most people, especially during spring. Although pollen is mostly associated with flowers, there are many pollen-producing trees. These trees can cause sneezing and other symptoms depending on the level of exposure. Since you cannot avoid the trees that grow in your neighborhood or region, you can at least avoid planting them in your garden.
What is a Pollen Allergy?
- Pollen allergy is a condition that is characterized by having an allergic reaction to the pollen released by flowers and trees to fertilize other members of the species. It is also commonly referred to as hay fever. It mostly occurs during the spring, but based on the region and type of trees growing in an area it can be common in any season.
Although there are certain trees you shouldn’t plant in your home in general, the list is specifically for those who suffer from bad hay fever.
Top Pollen Producing Trees That Cause Allergies
Some of the most pollen-producing trees are as follows:
Pine Trees
- Pine trees are evergreen trees that produce a lot of pollen. They are often found in the outdoors and in residential gardens as well. Those who suffer from hayfever often react a lot to the pollen of these trees and do not prefer to be in close vicinity of them.
Mulberry Trees
- Mulberry trees are known to be problematic for gardens due to their staining fruit and high levels of pollen. The male trees produce so much pollen that many cities have banned planting new ones. They are very hard to maintain and can be dangerous for someone with an allergy.
Oak Trees
- Like most coniferous trees, oak trees also produce a lot of pollen. However, their pollen production is usually highest in the mornings. If you have an oak tree in your garden, you may want to wear a mask or restrict going outside in the morning.
Juniper Trees
- There are about seventy species of juniper trees, almost all of them have high pollen output. Unlike other trees, their pollen producing season is usually in the winters. They can be harmful and irritating to residents who have an allergy, especially if these trees are present in large numbers.
Palm Trees
If you are sensitive to grass pollen, chances are you would be sensitive to palm tree pollen as well. This is because genetically, palm trees are closely related to grasses. However, different palm trees have different pollen risks. You can easily plant royal palm trees in your garden but would have to refrain from date palm trees altogether.
What To Do If Your Garden Has A Pollen Producing Tree?
- There are many situations in which your garden can have a pollen-producing tree without you knowing. You could move into a house where a pollen-producing tree is planted or it comes with the property etc. One of the best things you can do is opt for professional removal.
This will make sure your garden and house structure are not harmed when removing the tree. These removals ensure that you won’t have to worry about pollen allergies in your garden again.
At American Tree Experts, Inc. we offer the best services to keep your plants out of harm’s way. Our tree removal services make sure that your garden has the trees that best suit your lifestyle. Our most sought out services are pruning, bracing, pest management, and nutritional management. We offer services in Montclair, New Jersey. Call us at 973-744-6091 for a free quote.