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Who’s at risk? Exploring the origins and spread of fire blight
While tree-care techniques and technologies have advanced, some diseases remain a pressing concern for gardeners and farmers. One of the most notorious diseases is fire blight. It is regarded as a destructive malady due to its ability to spread to the entire garden, affecting various fruit trees, shrubs, and ornamental plants. Keep reading to learn about fire blight, its causes, and prevention.
What Is Fire Blight?
- It is a highly destructive disease affecting various plants, particularly the Rosaceae family. It is a bacterial disease caused by the bacterium Erwinia amylovora. The infected parts of the plant appear as if they have been scorched by fire, hence the name fire blight.
The primary targets of the bacterium are fruit trees, including pear, apple, and ornamental plants such as roses and other members of the same family. It is particularly prevalent in some countries and attacks specific parts of the plants, including roots, shoots, branches, leaves,
How Does Fire Blight Occur?
- Fire blight spreads rapidly, usually through insects, wind, or rain. The bacterium is carried by the moist air currents or insects to young green tissues of the plant. It enters the plant through natural openings, wounds, and flowers, where the bacterium multiplies within tissues, severely damaging the plant or tree.
The infected tree parts ooze a bacteria-filled honey on warm, wet days, attracting insects. Once the bacteria spreads to the woody branches, cankers develop, and bark may appear cracked or sunken. It can destroy entire gardens or orchards if left untreated.
What Are The Symptoms?
- Fire blight can be challenging to spot for homeowners, and it can easily go unnoticed. It may resemble animal feeding or hail damage and can co-occur with apple scab, making it difficult to identify the disease. However, the tree’s shoots infected with apple scab will bend downward to form a shepherd’s crook.
In addition, the bark at the base of the blighted twigs looks water soaked or dark, dry, and hollow. Cracks usually appear at the edge of the recessed area. This causes the young twigs to die and appear deeply rust-colored or burned. Moreover, dead leaves and fruits remain on the branches.
Preventing A Fire Blight Infection
Follow these steps to prevent or manage a fire blight infection effectively:
Prune Infected Branches
- Proactively inspect your plants and trees to spot the signs of fire blight. Promptly prune the infected branches to prevent the disease from spreading. Cut at least 8 inches below the infection, closer to the trunk, to stop the bacteria from moving deeper into the tree.
Ensure to completely remove and destroy the infected branches after removing them. Never leave them lying around or compost them, which could lead to further contamination.
Prune During the Dormant Period
- The dormant period, typically in February or March, is the best time to prune for fire blight prevention. During this time, the tree and the bacteria are less active, reducing the risk of spreading infection.
Disinfect Pruning Tools
Disinfect your pruning tools between each cut. Use a 10% bleach solution or rubbing alcohol. This prevents the bacteria from being transferred to healthy parts of the tree.
Monitor and Act Quickly
- Monitor your trees throughout the growing season. Remove the branches with the same procedure if you notice new infections developing. However, doing this during cool, dry weather is best to minimize the risk of spreading bacteria.
If you are looking for the best pruning and tree removal services for your trees, contact American Tree Experts Inc today. We are a group of tree experts working in Montclair, New Jersey. Call us today at 973-744-6091, and we will give you a fantastic quote for free.